


1. About _ _ % of all animals are invertebrates.

2. Invertebrate animals do not have a ________.

3. The phylum ________ are sponges.

4. There are about _ _ _ different species of sponges, and _ _ % are marine.

5. "Marine" means that they live in ____ _____, such as an _____.

6. Sponges are _______ feeders, which means that they use their body as a ______ to ____ food.

7. Sponges have a skeleton composed of hard structures called ________ which attach the sponge to the bottom of the ___.

8. Spicules can be composed of _______, _______ or _____.

9. Sponges are ______ on the inside and have cells called "______ _____" which contain either ________ or ______.

10. ________ or _____ move to create a current to assist the sponge in trapping ____.

11. Sponges have "________" cells which actually absorb the food.

12. Sponges reproduce sexually, and asexually by _______.

13. If a sponge is broken into pieces, each piece can become a new _____.

14. Freshwater sponges are called ___________.

15. If the freshwater supply evaporates, ___________ become dormant and form a _______.

16. The ______ is a demospongia covered with hard _____ which prevents the demospongia from ______ ___. When the freshwater returns, the _______ goes back to active _____-____.

17. The phylum Cindaria include ___ ______, _____, _______ and _____-____.

18. All Cindaria are marine except for _____.

19. Many Cindaria have tentacles with ____________ on their ends.

20. Hematocysts are _____ _____.

21. The phylum ____________ are the flatworms.

22. Examples of parasitic flatworms are ______ and _________.

23. A fluke causes ______________, a disease that affects _ _ _ _______ people world wide. This fluke attacks the _______ causing progressive ________. It often takes _ _ years to die from _________________.

24. _________ are parasites which have no digestive system of their own, so they attach to the intestines and eat the food which we ______.

25. The longest tapeworm ever passed by a person was _ _ meters.

26. Tapeworms attach to the wall of the intestines using their _______.

27. The _______ is the head of the tapeworm which is composed of _____ for _________, and _______ for drinking food.

28. Tapeworms are composed of segments called ___________. Each __________ grows in size and ________ releasing ____, each of which becomes a new ________.

29. _____________ means one body having both sex parts.

30. Humans most often get tapeworms from undercooked ____, ____ or ____.

31. Tapeworm eggs can withstand _______ _____.

32. Children sometimes get tapeworms by playing with the _____ in the ______ box of a cat.

33. The primary symptom of tapeworms is ______ ____

34. The phylum Nematoda are the __________.

35. __________ are cylindrical in shape and vary in length from __________ to _ _ inches.

36. Unlike flatworms, roundworms have a ________ ___ which begins with a _____ and ends with an ____. Therefore, they are usually able to ______ food.

37. Roundworms have no _____ or _____.

38. The roundworm ___________, causes the disease called trichinosis.

39. People get trichinosis from eating undercooked ____.

40. Trichinella get into _______ and leave _______ ________ which effect ______ ___________.

41. Trichinosis can affect the _____.

42. The roundworm _______, parasitizes human lungs.

43. The phylum _______ are the segmented worms.

44. Earthworms belong to the phylum ________.

45. Each segment of the earth worm has _____ which contain ______ made of ______.

46. These ________ allow the earthworm to ____ and to ______ into soil.

47. Earthworms can also move by _______.

48. Earthworms have a head and a _______ _______ ______.

49. Earthworms have a closed __________ ______ in which blood is pumped by ______.

50. Most earthworms feed on ___________ vegetation causing it to _________ faster.

51. Leaches are in the phylum ________.

53. The tail sucker of a leach is used to _____ on to a _____ and the head sucker is used to ____ _____ from the ____.

ANIMALS II Study Sheet

1. The members of the phylum ___________ all have jointed legs.

2. There are more species of __________ than any other phylum.

3. The word "arthropod" means _______ ___.

4. Arthropods have a hard __________ which is usually composed of a substance called ______.

5. As arthropods grow, they must ____ or ____ and grow a new _________.

6. Arthropods have a _________ system, which can be either _____ or ____ _____.

7. ________ are arthropods with gills.

8. _____ are folded tissue which is lined with _____ _______.

9. Gills function to remove ______ from _____.

10. ____ _____ have blood vessel lined surfaces which look like the _____ of a book.

11. ____ ______ get oxygen from ___.

12. _______ are arthropods with book lungs.

13. Arthropods do not ____ well.

14. Arthropods usually have good ___ _____.

15. Many arthropods have ________ ____ that are made up of many little ____.

16. The subphylum chelicerata include _________ _____, _______, ________, _____ and ____.

17. Mites are also called ___ ____.

18. Red bugs are ____ parasites.

19. People ______ and ____ red bugs in just a few days.

20. Except for horseshoe crabs, all chelicerates have _____ legs.

21. Spiders have ____ pais of walking legs, plus other __________ that look like legs.

22. The chelicera is actually the spider's _____ used for _______ juices from the body of its victims and ______ and _________ its victim.

23. The spider's _________ are used to subdue its victims.

24. Spiders do not ___ well, but are good at _________ ________.

25. When prey get caught in the spider's web, it is the ________ which alerts the spider to the captured ____.

26. Most spiders have ____ on their body to assist them in feeling ________.

27. Spiders spin ____-____, sticky ____ to catch prey.

28. Spider webs can be used to make ____.

29. Spiders are beneficial because they _____ and _____ _______.

30. Two spiders which are dangerous are the ____ ____ and the _____ _______, both of which have ___ markings on their _______.

31. Spiders belong to the class known as the _________.

32. Spiders are not _______.

33. Spiders have _____ legs and insects have ___.

34. Spiders have a ______ eye and insects have ________ eyes.

35. The subphylum crustacea include _____. ______. _______ and _________.

36. Most crustaceans live in the _____.

37. Crabs and lobsters have _______ to help them catch food.

38. Crabs have a shell called a ________.

39. As crabs grow, they regularly ____ their shell to grow a ______ one.

40. When crabs are without carapace they are called ____-_____ crabs.

41. The subphylum uniramia include the _________ and the _________.

42. The word "millipede" means a ________ ____, but in fact they have _____ legs than this.

43. The word "centipede" means a _______ ____, but in fact they have ____ than this number.

44. Millipedes are __________ and eat decayed _____ matter.

45. Centipedes are _________ and have _____, _____ ______ and a ______ on their tail.

46. Centipedes prey primarily on _______.

47. The phylum insecta includes all of the _______.

48. Insects usually have ___ legs, _______ and _____.

49. Insect's mouths usually have _____ parts and are adapted for a particular ____.

50. Grasshoppers have _______ mouth parts.

51. Mosquitos have _______ mouth parts.

52. Butterflies have _________ mouth parts for getting ______ from _______.

53. The house fly has _______ mouth parts for _______ up liquid food.

54. The phylum mollusca include _____, _______, ______ and _______.

55. Most mollusks have a shell that is made of _______ _________.

56. The shells of mollusks formed most of the _________ and ______ which exists on earth.

57. ______ is formed from heat and pressure on _________.

58. Mollusks have a ______, which is a folding of soft tissue on the edge of their _____.

59. The mantle is the place where the ____ is being ________.

60. The class of mollusks called __________ have a foot on their belly.

61. An example of a gastropod is the _____.

62. When a snail lacks a shell it is called a ____

63. Snails and slugs walk on their _____.

64. Most snails are ______, but some do live on ____.

65. Marine snails have _____ for breathing.

66. Land snails are called _________ snails.

67. The ______ snail can be as big as _ _ pounds.

68. The class of mollusk called bivalvia include _____, _______ and _______.

69. Clams and oysters move by ___ __________.

70. The class of mollusks called cephalopods have a foot on their ____.

71. Examples of cephalopods are _______, _____ and ________.

72. Most cephalopods have ______, _________ and ____.

73. Octopus have their shell ______ of their body.

74. Octopus secrete an ____ substance which the ____ out to help them ______ from _________.

75. The _____ _____ is the largest cephalopod. It can be up to _ _ meters in length and has been know to eat ______.

ANIMALS III study sheet

1. The phylum echinodermata include the ________, ___ ______ and ___ _________.

2. The word "echinoderm" means _____ ____.

3. Echinoderms all have a ____ somewhere at sometime of their life.

4. Starfish move by way of ____ ____.

5. Tube feet are ______ through which water is pumped with a great deal of _____.

6. The hydraulic system of a starfish is so powerful that its force can be used to open ____ ______.

7. A starfish consumes a clam by turning its ________ inside out and sticking its _______ into the clam shell to _______ the clam.

8. Sea urchins are sometimes called ____ _______.

9. Sea urchins use the ______ of their skin to move about to _____ on _____, _____ or ____ ____.

10. All echinoderms have ______ _______ and have no _____.

11. The phylum chordata have a _____ ____ which runs much of the length of the body.

12. All chordates have a ________.

13. A ________ is specialized tissue that supports the never cord.

14. Our _______ make up our notochord.

15. At sometime in their development chordates have _______ _______.

16. ________ _______ look like gill slits.

17. Humans have ________ _______ before we are born.

18. The subphylum called ________ have a notochord composed of ________.

19. The vertebra of ___________ do not have to be made of ____.

20. The shark and the ray have vertebra made of _________.

21. Sharks have no ____, as their skeletal structure is made up entirely of ________.

22. Sharks have been in existence for _ _ _ _______ years.

23. Sharks have no ____ (___) _______ to keep them afloat.

24. Sharks must keep in almost ________ ______ to avoid sinking to the bottom of the sea.

25. Some scientists believe that sharks do not _____.

26. The class of vertebrates known as amphibians include _____, _____, ___________ and _____.

27. The class of vertebrates known as reptiles include the ______, ________, _________, _________, ______ and _______.

28. All reptiles have ______.

29. The _____ of a turtle are fused into a _____.

30. Amphibians, reptiles and aves are all ___ layers.

31. All birds have _______. However, all birds do not ___.

32. The _______ and the _______ are two birds that do not fly.

33. The class of vertebrates known as mammalia have _______ ______ which produce milk for the __________ of their young.

34. All mammals have ____.

35. List seven (7( mammals.

36. The order of mammals called ________ include _____, _______ and ___.

37. Monkeys have a _____ and apes do not.

38. Most primates can stand erect on their hind legs to allow their _____ to be ____.

39. Most primates have an _________ _____ to assist in grasping.

Animals Notes