1. Golgi body--make and distribute specialized products needed by the nucleus.

2. Protoplasm--jellylike cellular substance in which much metabolism occurs.

2. Cytoplasm--protoplasm outside the nucleus of a cell.

3. Vacuole--an organelle used for storage.

4. Mitochondria--source of energy in the cell. 99% of all ATP (the energy molecule) is made in the mitochondria. One's mitochondria has its own DNA that is different from one's genetic code. One's mitochondria are inherited only from one's mother.

5. Ribosome--place where proteins are made.

6. Chromatin--the stuff that will form chromosomes when the cell divides.

7. Nuclear membrane--the membrane which surrounds the nucleus.

8. Nucleus--central, round body that is the control center of a cell.

9. Nucleolus--a small body within the nucleus which makes ribosomes.

10. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum--a network of tube-like structures used to transport protein within cells. Complex fats like prostaglandin and cholesterol are made in the SER. It is "smooth" because it lacks ribosomes.

11. Rough endoplasmic reticulum--a network of tube-like structures used to transport protein within cells. It is rough because it has ribosomes. These ribosomes make protein.

12. Lysosome--contains enzymes that dissolve thing in the cell.

13. Cell membrane--the membrane which surrounds the cell. The cell membrane regulates what comes into the cell and what leaves the cell.

14. Centriole--organelles which play and important role in cell division of animal cells.
