

1. ___________ is the study of old life forms primarily through _______.

2. _______ are any part or trace of an organism that lived long ago.

3. Time, since the beginning of the Earth, is measured in ________ ____ _____.

4. The largest measure of geologic time is the ___.

5. Eras have ______.

6. Periods have ______.

7. There have been _____ eons.

8. We live in the _____ eon.

9. The eras of the phanerozoic are the _________, ________ and ________.

10. In which period of the paleozoic was Earth dominated by bug-like creatures called trilobites?

11. In which period of the paleozoic was Earth dominated by fish with jaws?

12. In which period of the paleozoic was Earth dominated by amphibians?

13. In which period of the paleozoic did fish appear?

14. In which period of the paleozoic was Earth dominated by coral?

15. Most fossil fuels formed in the ___________ period of the paleozoic.

16. During which period of the mesozoic was Earth dominated by small reptiles?

17. Which period of the mesozoic was the true age of the dinosaur?

18. In which period of the mesozoic was Earth dominated by large reptiles?

19. Which period of the cenozoic was the age of mammals?

20. In which epoch of the quaternary do we live?

21. Earth is believed to be almost ____ _______ years old.

22. Early Earth was a hot mass which cooled to form a _____.

23. Inside Earth it is still very ___ today.

24. The dense parts of the Earth's crust do not _____ and form the beds of ______.

25. What we call ____ is less dense and ______ on the liquid core of the Earth.

26. In the _______, all continents came together to form one giant continent called ______.

27. In the ________ Pangea began to break up into the _________ of today.

28. When the _____ ___ ____ become imbalanced, the earth might _______ shift.

29. Such rapid shifts could dramatically change the _______ of a continent, and may be why ______ _______ bones and bodies are found in _______.

30. As Earth cools, it cracks into ______.

31. Mountains are formed by _________.

32. _________ occurs when two plates come together, pushing the ____ ______.

33. Fossils of ___ _________ are always found in mountains.

34. When two plates slide by each other, they create ________. As the movement of the plates overcomes the ________, the earth _____ rapidly producing an __________.

35. Life began on Earth about _._ _______ years ago.

36. The first life form on earth was probably a blue-green algae called ___________.

37. Stromatolites and early bacteria were _________, as no free ______ ( ) existed until ___ _______ years ago.

38. ____ requires O2.

39. Plant life began in the ___ and moved to land as land was formed.

40. The first animal to dominate the earth were the trilobites.

41. To which phylum would the trilobites belong if they still existed today?

42. The fish called _________ evolved with a ___ and _____ _____ and ate the trilobite into__________.

43. Sharks evolved ___ _______ years ago.

44. In the ____________, fern forests evolved with ____-____ ferns which were ___ feet tall.

45. Ferns and other swamp plants dies and fell to the ______ of the _____. as things piled up on top of them, the ____ and ________ drove off the ________ and ______ and all that was left was pure ______ in the form of ____.

46. _ _% of the world's coal supply was laid down in the ___________.

47. In the ________ era, reptiles ruled the ____.

48. The first dominant reptile was the _______ _____, _________-____ lizards that ate anything they could _____.

50. Name two predator dinosaurs.

51. Name two plant eating dinosaurs.

52. Dinosaurs are distinguished from other reptiles by the structure of their ___.

53. The word "dinosaur" means _______ ______.

54. Extinction periods tend to occur about every _ _ _______ years.

55. _______ is an element which only occurs in asteroids.

56. The next extinction period may occur about _ _ ________ years from now.

57. The first creatures like people appeared on Earth _____ _______ years ago.

58. Homo sapiens appeared on Earth about ___,___ years ago.

59. People were the first animal to dominate the earth because of ____________ and ___________.

60. Paleontologists estimate the age of fossils using techniques such as ______ ______.

61. The rate of decay of a radioactive isotope is measured by their ____- ____.

62. If the remains of a once living organism have only one eighth the amount of carbon 14 of a living thing, those remains are about ________ years old.

63. _____________ were flying dinosaurs.

64. The ____________ was period of the quaternary in which ice ages came and went.

65. The ___________ was the period of the Mesozoic in which dinosaurs became extinct.

Paleontology Notes