

1. The ____ is the largest organ of the body in both ____ and _______ ____.

2. The skin is necessary for ________. If __% of the skin is destroyed, _____ is likely.

3. The function of the skin is to _______ the ________ ______ of the body.

4. The skin is a _______ which prevents ________ invasion.

5. If skin is broken, so as to expose _____ _______, an __________ is needed to prevent _________ infection.

6. There are _____ layers of skin.

7. The _________ is the outer layer of skin.

8. The _____ is the middle layer of skin.

9. The __________ is the inner layer of the skin.

10. The ______ is the largest skin layer.

11. The _________ sheds its cells constantly so that we get ___ ____ each day.

12. The epidermis is composed of the ________ _______ and the _______ ____________.

13. The ________ _______ is the outer most layer which is exposed to the ___.

14. The ________ ___________ is composed of ________ cells which divide _______ and _____ on top of each other.

15. The cells on the top of the skin stack have ___________ _________ which begins to synthesize the protein _______.

16. _______ is highly __________ to water and helps make our skin nearly _____-_____.

17. As skin cells are filled with _______ they are said to be _________.

18. The _______ ___________ is _____________ active.

19. At the base of the _______ _______ are found cells called ___________, which produce a pigment called _______.

20. As skin cells divide, ___________ inject _______ into these new cells.

21. It is _______ that gives color to the skin.

22. The color of the skin is not related to the ______ of ___________, but to how much _______ they produce.

23. _______ do not produce _______ and have very _____ colored skin.

24. The rapidly dividing cells of the _______ ____________ are very sensitive to the _____ _______ _________ of the ___.

25. Excessive exposure to ______ ______ __________ can alter the _____ of skin cells to produce ____ ______.

26. _____ ______ _________ stimulates the ___________ to inject more _______ into the ______ layers of the _________, resulting in a ___ ___.

27. ____ ________ in melanocytes cause people to be ____ _______.

28. When exposed to the sun the ____ _______ causes ________.

29. The ____ has embedded in it _________ _______ which are the _________ for the sensitivity of the skin.

30. ____ _____ _______ are found on the top of the ______ and bring in information about ____.

31. ________ __________ are encapsulated dendrites located deep in the skin which respond to _____ ________.

32. ________ __________ are encapsulated dendrites which are located near the surface of the skin and respond to _____ ________.

33. ______ ___ _____ detect temperature change in the direction of ________, as well as _____ and ________.

34. _______ ___ ______ detect temperature change in the direction of ______, as well as _____ and ________.

35. The skin contains many _____ ______ which help to regulate the ___________ of the body.

36. Sweat glands are usually ______ structures which release a ______ called _____.

37. When _____ __________ it cools the ____.

38. Sweat is also _________, meaning that it gets rid of things that the ____ does not need.

39. There are ___ types of sweat ______.

40. Sweat glands that produce a __% _____ sweat are used to ____ the body. These sweat glands are found in their highest concentration on the ____ and ________.

41. ________ sweat glands are located where we have _____ patches, such as the ___ ____ and the _____ area.

42. We also have a few ________ sweat glands on the _____ of our ____.

43. Apocrine sweat contains _______ ____, a _____ ____.

44. _______ sweat glands respond to emotion.

45. ________ sweat is odorous and is used by _______, along with _____, to ____ their ___________.

46. Cats have ________ _____ ______ in their neck which they use to mark people as ________.

47. In people, ________ _____ is eaten by ________ producing an ______ by-product.

48. ____-___________ contain _________ which blocks the production of ______ produced by the ________ _____ ______.

49. __________ contain ____-_________ agents which prevent the invasion of ________.

50. The skin contains ____ _________ which extend from the _________ to the ______ in a canal called a ____ ____.

51. Each hair follicle has a _____ attached to it, which allows us to feel _____ _____ ________. This is also why it _____ to ____ on ____.

52. At the ____ of a ____ ________are found _________ ______ which produce a skin oil called _____.

53. Ordinarily, skin pores are ________ and ____ to the _______ of the __________.

54. During puberty when there is rapid ______, there is an ________ in the production of _____, and the _____ of the ____ have a tendency to become ______ beneath the _________. This _____ _____ which ________ feed upon causing _________. This _________ is called ____.

55. Medication such as _______ ________ kills the bacteria which cause ____.

56. Medication such as _____-_ and _________ help ________ and ____ the skin pore, so that excess _____ is more easily removed when we ____ the ____.

57. _____ is made of _________ cells that grow in a ______. This gives hair its _____-___________ appearance.

58. ____ _____ are the same cells found in the _______ ____________, and they _______ rapidly.

59. _______ is injected into hair cells to give it _____.

60. The more _______, the ______ the hair.

61. When the ___________ change to produce ____ _______, the hair becomes ____.

62. _______ have hair containing no _______, causing their hair to be _____.

63. As hair turns ____ it changes to cause _____ in the hair follicle, making the hair more course. This will sometimes cause _________ ______ hair to become _________.

64. Each hair is connected to a ______ ______ called an ________ _______.

65. When _______ ________ contract, they cause the ____ ________ to rise resulting in _____ _____.

66. _______ _______ tend to contract when it is ____.

67. The _______ _______ of birds cause their ________ to _____ on a ____ day. This results in more ____ ___ ______ which serves to ________ their bodies from the ____.

68. For ______, ____ and ____ the _______ _______ respond to _____ and ____ causing ____ to ____.

69. Hair is a _______ _____ in that it allows us to feel things on our ____.

70. If an ant is crawling on a ________ part of our body we are ____ likely to _____ its presence.

71. Hair also protects us from ____ ____.

72. When we exert ourselves, a _____ percent of ____ ____ occurs through our ____. Since there is not much ___ ______ on the head, ____ serves as __________ to prevent ____ ____.

73. Hair serves as a ________ _________.

74. ______ _____ and ___ _____ are modified ____ which ________ the _______ and ____, and which we use as _____.

75. By the time we can actually ___ hair, it contains no ______ _____. So ____, like ______ and ___ _____, is dead.

Skin Notes