The Red Kaganate

Last Page Update:
February 8, 2002

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Norman J. Finkelshteyn

Primary Weapons of Steppes Nomads and related peoples
. . .
and the use of these Weapons
While details varied, the complex of weapons used by the Warriors of the Steppes remained remarkably constant over time. The articles here are aranged, as much as possible, in order of the weapon's importance in the Steppes Warrior's arcenal.
As with all other topics on this Web Site, submissions are invited. Contact the Editor.


Archery and the Nomad - An overview of the Central Asian bow and its role in Society.


Fighting with the Saber - Illustrations from a 19th century Polish manual with comments.


An Overview of Western Steppes Axes - With a strong Hungarian focus.

Illustrated Summary of East European and West Asian Axes - based on finds in the former Soviet Union.

"Olen-Kolodetz" - A Golden Horde aristocrat's burial ...The Male Burial - The described find includes an axe, warrior's belt, bowl, and armour.
It may be worthy of note that this is an aristocratic warrior's burial without evidence of any sort of sword!

Proposal: Chambering in Canne du Combat as potential safety standard for so-called “early period” weapons sparring. -
Link and full description at the subsection on the Mace below.




Chambering in Canne du Combat as potential safety standard for so-called “early period” weapons sparring. - Proposal for the use of "la Canne du Combat" as a model for unarmoured (or lightly armoured) combat with more than just swords.


In the process of upgrade.

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Where Author is specified, Copyright is retained by Author with express permission for use by "The Red Kaganate" organisation. Where Author is unspecified, Copyright is retained by Norman J. Finkelshteyn.