Miscarriage and Stillbirth Grief: Page 1

          Why do many women say that experiencing the death of their baby through Miscarriage and/or Stillbirth is the loneliest grief of all?

          Why do many men show little or no outward sign of their own grief after their baby has died?

          Why is it the most women have a need to talk about their dead baby, while most men tend to avoid talking about what has happened?

          There are many differences of Grief Reactions between men and women. There are also societal expectations and pressures that tend to hinder the Grief Healing of Parents after the tragedy of a Miscarriage or Stillborn baby.

          This site is prepared by a father of a Stillborn Son in the hope of helping other Parents who have suffered the tragedy of the death of their baby, to have a Healthy Grief Healing.

          While we never forget the loss of our precious babies, we can have the pain of that loss lessen. The wound gradually heals, but the tragedy of their death and the emotional pain of our loss, leaves a scar that remains on our memory.

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