*Purpose of Reserch*

My reserch question is "What is difference between Korean and Chinese's face?".
A lot of people asked about my nationality.  Some people said that "Korean, Chinese and Japanese's face are looks same". When I heard that I agreed. For me, almost European looks same too.  So I wanted research about Korean, Chinese, and Japanese's face. I planned to take picture of Korean, Chinese, and Japanese's face. But unfortunately in Chapelhill, There are only few Japanese. I changed my plan to research on Korean and Chinese's face.
Most hardest job was take picture of their faces. I took pictures of Korean and Chinese in school, church, library, store and party.
I compared their pictures. I think my project is kind of Experimental Project also.


*Main Reserch on Korean and Chinese's face (Compare them and get result)

*Reserch on Races(For helping understand about Main Research)    

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