© Children of Medjugorje 2001  

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Children of Medjugorje

President: Denis Nolan
Vice-President: Sister Emmanuel

Advisory Board:
Cardinal Jaime Sin
Cardinal Bernardino Echeverria, O.F.M.+
Archbishop Frane Franic
Archbishop D. Peter Chung
Bishop Nicholas D'Antonio, O.F.M.
Bishop Michael D. Pfeifer, O.M.I.
Bishop Donald Montrose
Bishop William Ellis
Fr. Daniel Ange
Ralph Martin

October 15, 2002

Dear Children of Medjugorje,
Praised be Jesus and Mary!

1.  On September 27, Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti gave birth to a baby boy, Giovanni Maria, and both mother and child are well.  Let us thank our Creator and let's rejoice with Paulo, Marija and their 3 elder sons for the blessing of this new life in their midst.

2. This is truly the month of Mary and in these days of great need, we dare not miss this message I found that powerfully conveys what Our Lady has in store for us. On October 25, 1984 Our Lady said: "Dear children, pray during this month. God has allowed me to help you everyday with graces, in order to protect you from evil. This month is mine. I would like to give it to you.  Pray and God will give you the graces that you ask for. I will support your requests."

Pope John Paul II knows how much she will support our requests.  Lately, he has shown once more that he speaks much like the Queen of Peace.  On October 9, 2002, in his Wednesday audience, he said: "I invite you, dear young people, to pray the rosary every day..."  "I encourage you, dear sick people, to place yourselves with confidence in the hands of Mary, invoking her incessantly with the holy rosary.  And I exhort you, dear newlyweds, not to neglect this praying meditation on the mysteries of Christ, in the light of Our Lady's gaze."

In September The Holy Father announced that he is preparing a document which will help to rediscover the beauty and depth of this prayer.  He said, "It is necessary that the Church 'go into the deep' of the new Millennium beginning with the contemplation of the face of Christ.  I wish to suggest the recitation of the rosary to individuals, to families and to Christian communities.  To give force to this request, I am also preparing a document, which will help to rediscover the beauty and depth of prayer. I wish to entrust once again the great cause of peace to the prayer of the rosary.  We are faced with an international situation full of tensions, of incandescent dimensions ... I am thinking of nations, but also of families: how much peace would be assured in family relations, if the holy rosary was prayed by the family!" (September 29, 2002)

3.    During a visit to Vicka's home with a few friends the other day, Mario showed us the Apostolic Blessing that Pope John Paul II signed for Vicka, just as he did for Marija and Fr. Jozo (none of the four other visionaries were given this Blessing - at least at that time).   We can only celebrate the Holy Father1s decision to express his heart felt care for these outstanding witnesses of the Queen of Peace.

4.     Keeping with our little tradition here is one more installment of the interview we had with Jelena!
Sr. Emmanuel:  Jelena, when did you stop having inner-locutions?
Jelena:  In 1992 I left Medjugorje to study in America. At that time the locutions became irregular.  And they stopped in 1994.
Now, I feel Our Lady is guiding me.  I don't feel that she is absent, but I just don't have those clear words from Her that I used to hear.
Sr. Em:  Do you remember the exercises that Our Lady gave you for your prayer group?  Didn't she teach you how to love one
Jelena:  Oh, yes! Fr. Slavko liked those exercises.  I remember that Our Lady asked us to pray together with the person we like the least.  Not to create natural sympathies in the prayer group, but to base our relationships on supernatural love.  I think that the Holy Spirit can truly do this.  I knew people who were very annoying and disturbing but when the Holy Spirit was within us we could love even those hard to get along with. There are very few people who disturb me but some have, because I am human too.  But they only disturb me if I don't pray which means that I'm not keeping my own peace.  They should never be able to take your peace away!  If they can take your peace away that's usually a sign that your under the level of your prayer, your batteries are very low.
We had a prayer meeting three times a week for one and a half hours after school or work.  It was really a time of grace because I don't know how we did it.  We spent many days and nights on the mountain praying and in the morning we went to school.  After school we worked.  If nothing else, I would fall down and sleep when they went ahead of me in the tobacco fields!
Sr. Em:  Did you have spontaneous prayer during the meetings?
Jelena:   Yes, Our Lady told us to listen to each other when we were praying spontaneously because we had to pray together as a community, not just arbitrarily about things that came to our mind.
Sr. Em: I was fascinated by the insistence of Our Lady that her greatest joy was the unity of your hearts praying together to Jesus.
What are your best memories as a child or a teenager during that time in the group?
Jelena:    I remember once that Fr. Slavko said:  "I knew that Our Lady was guiding you because of the love I saw among members in the prayer group." It was true.  Our prayers were sometimes very personal.  I1ve never heard one person make any type of comment about the prayers that  were said among us.  There was so much respect and so much love because everything was based on supernatural love.  This was when we were young and this is why Our Lady wants young people: they are so open to grace!  They hold no reservations.  When we become older we start calculating things. You can see it in our neighborhood-- The grownups are always looking at each other and wondering; "Will you greet me, and will you say hi?  How are you treating me, how should I treat you?"  But you have children just running from one house to the other.
Sr. Em:    How do you get supernatural love?
Jelena:  Well, you have to be a little crazy for the Gospel.  You simply have to allow the Holy Spirit to transform you.  Usually  when there's no love there's fear.  There's fear of the other, there's fear that someone will hurt you, someone will take advantage of you.  You think:  "How will they receive me?  What do they think about me?  Will they accept me?"   Lots of young people have all sorts of difficulties because of this.  They need to be loved but they are seeking human love and they're often disappointed and lonely.  But we were so fortunate that our friendships were based on supernatural love.  The Holy Spirit gives you so much consolation that you never need chocolate.  As young people we need this consolation because we are so fragile.  And unless we have the Holy Spirit that is consoling us we can feel very lonely and this can be a great source of difficulties and sin.
Sr. Em:   Do you think Our Lady has realized and fulfilled her plan with your prayer group?
Jelena:   That is a very difficult question!  I don't think that things are over.  It just doesn't make sense that she would guide us for so many years, and not complete her plan.  But I see her plan at work in personal lives.  I still see the people who were in the prayer group and they are quite different from those who were not part of it.  They are still going to Krizevac, to Apparition Hill and they are still personally committed to Our Lady's plan.   I think there will come a time when lay people will be needed more in spiritual instruction.  We need to learn how to live the role of a lay person in the church, receiving spiritual gifts and sharing our faith.  We have people who are truly living the messages, but now it is important that they work in the area where they live, to share their faith.  I think I would also like to see them working in the world because the world needs so much.  (More to come!)

Dearest Gospa:  Please cover the entire world with such prayer groups so that our unity of heart may radiate your motherly solace and defeat hatred!

Sr. Emmanuel

PS.  According to our inquiries, John Paul II signed these three Apostolic Blessings last May.  The initiative had been taken by the Polish pilgrim leader, Krystyna Gregorezyk from Kielce, Poland.  She waited until August before delivering them to Fr. Jozo, Vicka and Marija.

PPS.  During this month of Mary consider ordering from Children of Medjugorje: T2 When Death Spearates Us From Those We Love" or M12 "Why Fear What Is To Come" or "Chose Your Future! Heaven? Hell? Purgatory? or M14 "Stressed?  Oppressed?  BLESS!!" or W3 "The Amazing Secret of Purgatory"  (Visit our web sit - www.childrenofmedjugorje.com - to preview all of Sister Emmanuel's tapes!)  Tapes are $5 ea. in the USA (add $5 per order for S/H) and are available in the USA from "Children of Medjugorje", Box 1110, Notre Dame, IN 46556; Fax (219) 287-7875, email: dnolan@childrenofmedjugorje.com; or from Queenship, Box 42028, Santa Barbara, CA 931140-2028, Tel (800) 647 - 9882; Fax (805) 569 - 3274; Fax (219) 287-7875;   Medjugorje: Phoenix Bookstore, tel : (387) 36 650 917;  Canada: Ave Maria Center for Peace, Tel (800) 663 MARY; Fax (416) 253 0480;  Ireland: Mir Tapes, C/o Fr. Aidan Carroll, 87 B St Stephens Green, Dublin 2, Tel (353) 147 51 618;  East Malaysia: Tel (603) 635 37 88, Fax (603) 780 61 98, Kutching;   Australia: Ave Maria, Tel (61) 8 9921 4365, Fax (61) 8 9964 7635;   New Zealand: Tel/Fax (64) 9 41 83 428;   India: The Ark, Cochin, Kerala. Tel (91) 484 39 26 67; Fax (91) 484 38 00 52 (Att. M. Sunny);   England: Fax (44) 1 9595 23 619;  South Africa: C/o Alex Knox, Tel (27) 39 31 72 825, Margate.