As your Creator and Lord, I call out to you for an alert and positive response throughout the next weeks and months. The world, My beloved ones, is on the brink of war.
Message to Carol Ameche- September 18, 2002
Sep 18, 2002  -  9/18/02, Adoration

"Dearest little weary one, please take words of great importance for you and for the world. I am your God and Father. Please pray again to Our Spirit for the gift of openness and protection from the distractions of the world.

My dearest people who listen to the words of Heaven shared by this and all Our messengers, please be attentive to what I tell you now. As your Creator and Lord, I call out to you for an alert and positive response throughout the next weeks and months. The world, My beloved ones, is on the brink of war. It is not a matter of if, but when. It is not a matter of how much destruction and loss of life, but the need for more prayers for conversion for all those who will be brought into Eternity. There will be another terrorist event in this country that will push your government and military past any hesitation to begin its own retaliation against the countries who support terrorism, supplying the weapons and opportunities for those who are instruments of the plans of the Antichrist and New World Order. Your military is poised and totally prepared to respond with might and aggression toward leaders who have been chosen to launch the next surprise attack on your country. Remember, My faithful ones, each event has been agreed to by the superpowers of the world.

While your prayers will always be necessary for the salvation of the entire world, the plans of Satan will be given many victories in order to fulfill Scripture. As you view acts of terrorism, you can see plans and the need to retaliate brought to a peak. The necessary events to raise levels of pride and patriotism and defense will continue to set the stage for what will be obvious to the world as the need for a war and all the excuses given for the aggression of your country. I ask you to begin now to pray for your own preparedness to act with heroic valor on behalf of the earth that is about to be scourged by the hateful lashes of Satan's army of terrorists, the instruments of destruction, through an incitement of world war. This will also give those proponents of a one world government reasons acceptable to the greater number (of people) for giving more power and control to the UN, thus losing more freedom at home, more privacy and the ! gifts obtained by those who died to obtain this freedom.

Stay in close proximity in prayer groups and families and unity with your Triune God and Holy Mother, your special Saints and Angels. Pray that hardened hearts will begin to believe again to see a fulfillment of the words of Heaven as the world moves towards certain war and fulfillment of Satan's plans. Do not dwell in fear, precious children, but in joy and gratitude that you begin at a new level today to affect the people of God throughout the world with deeper and more heartfelt and loving prayer for their eternal salvation and happiness, and your own continued journey into holiness. I shower you with new strength of commitment now. Be filled with joy and hope and gratitude, My loved ones."

Carol Ameche

*Please note change in area code for Carol's phone and fax nos.

Carol Ameche and her husband, Don, have been members of Ste. Maria Goretti Parish in Scottsdale, Az., since 1981. They have five adult children and 11 grandchildren.

For the past nine years Carol has been speaking in many parts of the country Bringing encouragement to prayer groups with messages of hope, joy and spiritual preparedness for an impending act of God's mercy to all of humanity: the illumination of our minds to the state or our souls, known as the "Mini-Judgment," or "Warning," which will precede the Second Coming of Jesus.

Carol has been receiving locutions since May of 1992. She has compiled three books of messages and chapters intended to be helpful during these End Times: "As We Wait in Joyful Hope", with a forward by Bishop Roman Danylak; "Do Whatever Love Requires", plus its supplement, co-authored with Harriet Hammons, and requested by Jesus to prepare His faithful for the times before and immediately following the Warning; and most recently, "Bands of Love" which Contains messages from 1996 through 1998, as well as practical suggestions for dealing with large scale emergency events and living in communities. These may be obtained from: Queenship Publishing Co. PO Box 42028 Santa Barbara, California 93140-2028

Toll Free ordering inside USA: 1-800-647-9882

Carol is available to speak to your group if you wish to contact her. All she requires is a plane ticket and home in which to stay. You may contact her directly:

Carol Ameche 7814 E. Northland Scottsdale, AZ. 85251

Telephone 480-990-8012, and fax ... 480-990-3825

A new prayer was given by Our Lady on June 10, 1999 in Tulsa Okla.

"We praise you, Father, and beg Your Mercy on a sinful world. Without Your Kindness and Mercy, the world will not survive. Have pity on us, Father, and forgive us, we pray. Amen."

Web Site for Carol :