As I Was  Saying  My Morning Payers  I Started  Saying My Intentions Right Before  the Mercy  Chaplet....I Was Mentioning the Intention  for  Those Who Suffer in Any Part of the World.  Then In,  Locution  I Heard  His Words. ( I Just Had  to Stop and  Write it Right Away  and  Later  Continued  with My Prayers ..I Felt His  Divine Presence in Such  Undescribable  Way- And  I Can Not  Remember  Ever  Feeling  the  Weight and  Sorrow I Sensed When I Received This).

"  My  Daughter,  the  Living  Christs, Unknown Christs That  Have  Been Killed Unexpectedly, Unjustly, Violently, Those  That Have  Shed  Their Blood in an Unjust  Manner.... it  Hurts  Your  Father  the  Creator Just as It Hurts My  Son,  My  Holy  Spirit  and  Dear   Blessed  Mother  Mary.

 When  a  Creature Is  Hurt  or  Killed, it Is  like When  You Cut off a Branch  from a  Tree -- We  the   Blessed  Trinity    Are  the Tree -  You Are  the  Branches.  Have  You Looked Closely at the  Part  of the Tree Once A Branch Has  Been  Cut Off?   The  Branch  Dies  and  the  Spot Where the Branch Was,  Has  Residues,  Evidence of Life  Existing  There  Before.

Blood  Is the  Evidence  of Life.

 How  Much it Is  Increasing Day after Day,  My  Dear Ones,   That Creatures,  My Ones,  Made to My Image  and  Likeness,  Are  Being  Killed!!

 The  Numbers  Are  Higher  and  Higher Each  Minute of  the  Day !!!

 You  May  See it in the  News,  but  You Will Never  Be  Able to   See the Whole  Picture....   Please, Please  Make  Reparation  for this Grave  Sin.

My  Patience  Has  Run  Out.   Injustice on Earth  Needs  to  Be  Punished.

Punishment Is   at  Hand ..  And  Many  Will Suffer the  Consequences.

Pray - Pray - Pray - Pray -  at All Times  Possible   Asking  for Forgiveness  and  to  Receive  My  Divine  Mercy .   My Creation  Has  Been Crushed.  The  Essence  of  My Creation....Man.... Is Being  Killed  by Man. I  Created  Each One  to  Return  to Me.   You on Earth  Have Made Your Ways Your  Way ...  I  must  Act as  a  Just and  Firm  Creator.

Love, Forgive, Make-up  for  All Those Killings, Specially  for the  Unborn.

The Unborn Are Angels Who Were Meant to Exist on Earth...Somebody Changed That  Plan...Somebody  Played  God.

Those  Killed  in  Wars.. Those  Killed  at the  Hands  of Unmerciful Hands Are  So  Close  to  My Heart.

Evil Has Entered into  Souls That  Did Not Observe  My  Commandments,  and This  Still Goes  On....

How  Do You  Feel  When You  Have  Spent  Time Creating  an Article or  Even Preparing  Some  Special Nourishments  with  Dedication,  Something  That You  Made with  Your  on Hands  and Then Someone  Comes and Destroys  It?

My Dear  Children,  Wake-up  --pray at  All Time  Possible.

Punishment Will Be   as  Fierce as  the  Sins....As   Deep   as  the  Pain Humans  Have Endured.

Your  Creator's  Heart Has  Been  Hurt -- Go in My  Peace -  Be   Peace-makers in  What  Time  Is  Left- I  Bless Each and  Everyone - Your  Father  ----your  Creator"


 May All Words  Written Here Be as per Our  God's   Divine  Will.

God Bless --thank You, Joyce  for Allowing Me  to Share  the  above.