Joyce Lang
Oct 4, 2002

Given at Wednesday Morning Prayer Meeting October 2.

My dearest little ones, my children, those of you who have honored and glorified the Most Holy Trinity by honoring me in this month dedicated to me, who have honored our most favored daughter, Therese, and your angels and St. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, have been very blest. You have had some outstanding feast days that have come together, given to you by Holy Mother, the Church. There are many, many more this month (feasts) for your meditation and for prayer from your hearts.

My precious ones, your God has given you these feasts of the saints and angels for you to reflect on their lives, on your life and how you can improve your spiritual lives, with the calling to memory of what has been given you. Each day is a special gift from God your Father and Creator, and one you should be praising and thanking Him before you start your day, giving it all, your day, to Him for His honor and glory and asking His Holy Spirit to guide and direct you in His Will throughout the day.

I too, your mother, am here to help you on the path to holiness, along with my spouse the Holy Spirit, to achieve what it is They have planned for you, on any one particular day, one day at a time. Walk with me, with Us on the path of light in His Will and you will see how much better your day will go, when it is done with Us and through Us and in Us, in the Will of the Father.

St. Therese (Lisieux) wants all to know who have petitioned her through prayer, to look for a sign from her of what you have been asking through her intercession. My child, you saw today, this morning, as you were on your way here to Mass, another example how your angels are working in your life. (When driving to St. Mark’s and praying the rosary, decided to change lanes, and almost got hit….my fault….but instinctively veered back to my lane. It was my angel who enabled me to avoid a serious collision). Know too, as you have asked them (my angels) they do go to those you ask them to, every day. (I have a custom of asking one of my angels to go to someone whom I feel needs extra help or a family member).

Oh my little ones, if only you really knew how much you are loved by all of us here in Heaven. You have so many praying with and for you that if you were to see, you would not be able to count them all. Our God is so good, and loves all of you so much and wants all of you to be with us in Heaven as He had always planned. He is giving you all the help possible, through grace being poured into your souls and hearts; through all of us in heaven praying for and with you. It is sad though, some of my children do not accept and respond to these heavenly gifts, for the salvation of their souls. They exercise their free will by refusing God and His love and mercy.

This is why, as the mother of all of you, my children in the world, I am asking, I am pleading, for your prayers, united with mine, for these hardened, tepid souls. I want all my children home here with us one day. I do not want one lost because there was no one to pray for them, for their souls. Once again, won’t you please make it your mission, with me, to help save souls, to help bring every soul back to Him, its Creator, for all Eternity?

My loved one, as I have placed on your heart, I would truly like to see and it would make your mother’s heart so happy, for this month of October, for each of my prayer warriors, those who join their prayers with mine, to now pray at least three rosaries a day, giving them to me. I am praying with you as we pray for your country that now needs our prayers so badly. I am praying for the leadership in your country, that they will look to their God for guidance and not do something foolish because of pride. I pray they pray with me, with all of you, for the safety, not only of your country, but also of the whole world.

I too pray for all the evil that is permeating the four corners of your world, that good common sense and a respect for each other will take precedent over their pride, over the evil in hearts. There is, at this time in your history, so much that needs prayer. THE PRAYER OF THE ROSARY HAS ALWAYS BEEN A POWERFUL TOOL FOR EVERY THING THAT NEEDS HEALING, THAT NEEDS REPAIRING. The Holy Mass is so important. Try now loved ones, to go every day, giving this prayer of your Mass and Communion, as well, to me. When we are united in prayer WE CAN AND WE WILL overcome the evil that exists. Pray, please pray with me now and always.

I would also suggest you not hurry your prayer, as some have a tendency to do. As what can be more important than prayer? Can your lives be important without true, sincere, loving prayer from your hearts, joined with mine, for souls, for your families, for your country, for your priests, your parishes, your world? Do not be anxious to finish praying, but allow me, allow the Holy Spirit to direct and guide your hearts and minds in prayer, in the way it is desired by the Father, at that particular time of your prayer.

Now pray with me, with all your angels and saints, that you will live holy lives, always walking in His light and doing only His Will.

I love you.

Harriet Hammons resides in California and is a practicing and active Catholic belonging to the Mission San Antonio De Pala Catholic Mission Church, on the Pala Indian Reservation. Harriet has a spiritual advisor who is also in the San Diego area. Harriet has two adult sons, one a businessman and one a military officer.