We prayed the fifteen decade rosary today to recognize the Eve of the Ascension and to honor the lives of Jesus and Mary.

The Immaculate One speaks: My Dear Children, As you have honored me today, I am honoring you as YOUR MOTHER and Queen. I have come down from Heaven to be especially with you and I now bring Jesus with me. You have no idea how many angels and saints are in your presence now! Many more than were here originally. They heard your praying and singing and joined their voices with yours to let all of heaven, all of earth and all those in purgatory know how pleased We were with your prayers! My children, you have pleased your mother's heart because you have not only crowned me with flowers, but have crowned me with your love and with your own hearts and I love you for this! My Jesus loves you for this. As I have told the little who is among you earlier, there is much in my heart I want to give to you. My heart is overwhelmed with love for you and I can feel and treasure the love you have in your hearts for me now and that you have always had. Please, always remain in love with me, as I will always remain in love with you! I always take you into my heart whenever you ask. Whenever you run for refuge to my heart, I then take you to the heart of my Jesus as well, because we are never separated. As you prayed today and meditated on His Life, from His Incarnation in my womb, His very first Tabernacle on earth, to His Crucifixion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven, you have not only honored and glorified me, your mother, but you have paid much tribute, much honor and glory to the most Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I want you to know that my spouse, the Holy Spirit, is working right now within your hearts and in your souls.(Harriet started to cry..excuses herself)..He loves you very much because He is the Love between the Father and the Son. He now gives this love to each of your hearts and to each of your souls. I want you to know, as your mother, that yes, there is much, much disturbance going on in this world today. There are many tribulations and much violence, much killing in the name of God. This is not to be!! If only more would come to the "Table of the Lord", for negotiations, as you have done here today. Through prayer, through prayer of my holy rosary, peace would be within your grasp and in an instant. With negotiations, through prayer, much could be accomplished, because God is accomplishing all of this through your prayer, through me, His mother. You cannot have peace the way you are going about it, because you are still killing each other, and this is not the way it is to be! But please, my little children, do not fear. NEVER FEAR! FEAR IS NOT FROM GOD. Love and joy in your hearts always, because I am ALWAYS with you; no matter what is to come, and yes, there is much yet to come. Yes, children, too many do not know they can come to the Father through me, through praying to me, with me and through me, for the peace you need in your hearts and in the world today. Much will be accomplished through prayer and much has been accomplished today through this prayer of yours, right here, in front of Us. (we were praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament, the Tabernacle, at St. Mark's Catholic Church and in front of Mother Mary's statue.) My Jesus asks me now to speak for Him, from His Heart, to let you know how much He loves you and how much He caresses each of you. Yes, dear children, He does love and caress each of you, even though He is God. He is your brother, He is your King, He is your Savior, He is your best friend. He is everything that a heart would ever want. My children, do not fear the things that are coming into the world. Discern everything that comes, especially over your technologies now. And I am referring now, to the internet, My children. There is so much there that is NOT from Us. Please, my children, take it before Us in the Blessed Sacrament and discern the words that are being given you. Remember, and I have to stress this my children, FEAR IS NOT OF GOD. Joy, love, and peace are from God. When you feel a peace and joy in your hearts, and a calmness, you know this is from me (the Blessed Mother) working in you with Jesus at my side. Keep your prayers coming. I love it when you say all three rosaries (the fifteen decade rosary). Pray when you can. Pray my rosary as often as you can. This will save the world. Come to me. I love you and I enfold you in my heart. I kiss each of you now with my motherly tenderness. Go in my peace and my love.

Harriet Hammons resides in California and is a practicing and active Catholic belonging to the Mission San Antonio De Pala Catholic Mission Church, on the Pala Indian Reservation. Harriet has a spiritual advisor who is also in the San Diego area. Harriet has two adult sons, one a businessman and one a military officer.