Messages via Janie Garza, Sunday, September 15, 2002
Sep 23, 2002

Messages via Janie Garza, Sunday, September 15, 2002

Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows

Our Lady comes through an interior locution.

Mary said: My angel, I wish to express my deep gratitude for all that you do to help unconverted families. You spend endless hours in prayer and in suffering drawing poor sinners to the ocean of my Son’s mercy.

I come to you as the Lady and the Mother of Sorrows. I come to share the sorrow in my immaculate heart for the war between nations. Oh, if only nations would unite as God’s people and reconcile with one another, great would be the healing that they would receive!

If only nations would put down their weapons and strive for peace, what joy they would experience in their hearts! If only nations would stop killing their unborn and stop abandoning their children, great would be the blessing that would come to them!

If only God’s people would turn away from the ways of the world that is filled with empty promises and embrace the path to holiness!

My angel, pray and fast for all the evil that exists in the world. I weep copious tears for the annihilation of unconverted families. Sin is destroying thousands of souls with each second that goes by.

I stand by each soul that is being annihilated and weep tears of blood. Evil has taken root in the hearts of millions of people throughout the world. The evil of nationalism, modernism, socialism, materialism, and liberalism are annihilating nation upon nation.

My angel, do not be afraid of what I am sharing with you concerning a world that is destroying itself.

There is hope for the world. This hope lies within the proclamation of Mary Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. God sent His only beloved Son for the salvation of humanity. This was a great act of mercy. God once more wants to bestow another great act of mercy upon a world that is walking in darkness. God wants to send true peace to the world through the proclamation of the dogma.

The world needs the dogma especially in this troubled time when the spirit of war is rampant in many hearts. Pray for the dogma, asking the Lady of All Nations to intercede for a troubled world. The Lady of All Nations will help. Call upon her intercession. Pray for the Holy Father and petition him for the dogma. Pray and fast, my angel, for these intentions, please pray and fast.

(Janie says: And then I write – I understand that the dogma is the remedy for this world.)