Message from Jesus to Virginia Leach August 7, 2002


My Dearest Daughter,

As we visit this night, evil is planning yet another
attack on your country.  This attack cannot be
stopped but it can be lessened if my children do as I
have asked and Pray, Pray, Pray.  Many men are
plotting together for the next attack so nothing will
go wrong.  The next attack will take place before
your very eyes but your government will not see what
is taking place for they see with human eyes due to
the absence of me in their lives.  Many souls will be
lost and this is why I have asked you to Pray, Pray,
Pray and make more sacrifices and do extra penance to
help save your fellow man from the eternal fire of


In the weeks to come I ask all my children to offer
their Mass for peace in your hearts and for the souls
being lost daily due to the evil in your world.
Renounce satan and all his works and bring souls to
me.  This is my message today and it will be my
message tomorrow.  If you truly love me you will do
as I ask; and as always I ask you to continue to
Pray, Pray, Pray.


I love you my children.  I give you my love and I
give you my peace.  Unite your heart with mine and
consecrate your self and your family to my Mother’s
Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of your Jesus.
I am a Jesus who loves you and a Jesus who will never
abandon you.  I love you today, and I will love you