Message from Jesus to Virginia Leach August 10, 2002  

My Dearest Daughter,

As always it pleases me greatly when my children come
before the Blessed Sacrament in Adoration of me.  
When my children truly want to visit with me, I know
they truly love me. I know because I am not a
scheduled event, one that you write down on a piece
of paper, being one of your tasks or jobs for the
day.  My children visit me because there is an
absence, a loss of peace, a loss of joy, and a loss
of love if you do not visit me.  True peace only
comes from the presence of sitting before me in the
Blessed Sacrament.  It is all about doing the Divine
Will of the Father.   It is so simple, yet my
children make it an almost impossible task.


My children of today plan days, weeks, and in some
instances, months in advance for an event.  
Everything is written down to the last detail.  Much
time is put into this event and many hours are spent
worrying that everything will turn out just right.  I
say to my children, my little lost children, this is
not how God wants your life to be run.  I, your
Jesus, ask you to turn to me and give me your day.  
Offer all to me at the beginning of each new day.  
Give me your free will and ask for the help of your
Savior as well as the help of My Blessed Mother and
Saint Joseph.  Also, call on your Guardian Angel as
well as all of heaven’s Angels and the Saints for
they are always ready and willing to help.  My
children try to run their lives themselves.  Some of
you use organizers and others use computers to put
every detail down so that nothing is forgotten.  My
children think that all this planning will make your
lives easier; but I tell you, without your God in
your day, you will be met with worries, late
deadlines, and will end your day without peace.  As
you lie down at night to sleep, your thoughts will
replay the day just spent or the day planned next.  
I, your God, the Jesus who loves you, ask for you to
start your day by telling me you love me and ask that
you end your day by thanking My Father for the many
graces and acts of love He has bestowed on you for
that day.  Turn your will over to me, ask me to plan
your day and to see that all the details are taken
care of.  I promise that if you do this your day will
end peacefully and you will rest without a care in
the world.  


Remember, my children, that it is your expectations
that lead to your frustrations.  Turn all over to me
your Lord.  Ask My Mother to put her mantle around
you and ask Saint Joseph to help guide you.  Ask the
angels to be at your side for the entire day asking
to keep you focused and to keep evil away.  I
promise, that if you do as I have asked, all will be
accomplished; but not as you plan but as My Father
plans.  The Father sees all and wants only to love
you and keep you on the path that leads to heaven.  I
am afraid many of you, through your planning and
running your life on your own desires are paving the
road straight to Hell.  These are harsh words, I
know, but as any parent I only want what is best for
my children.  Be not afraid, my dearest little ones,
as your hearts will be filled with joy, peace and my
love.  I promise that all will turn out for your
benefit and will get better day after day.  


Remember the First Commandment as well as the Second,
Love your God above all others and love your neighbor
as yourself.  If you place me in the center of your
life and look at your fellow man as you would like
them to look at you, the life you lead will be an
easy one.  I say put your focus on me and not on
yourself and together we will pave the way to heaven
where peace and love will be spent, not just for
today, but for all eternity.  I love you My Dearest
Little Children.  I will always love you My Dearest
Little Lambs.  Go now in My Peace and with My Love.