Message from Blessed Mother to Virginia Leach August
Aug 21, 2002

Message from Blessed Mother to Virginia Leach August 18, 2002

My Dearest Little Daughter,

I am sorrowful this day and my heart is pierced from the lack of love for my Son and I. As your Mother, I request your continued sacrifices for the salvation of your fellow brothers and sisters. I thank you and all my dear children who have offered yourselves to be suffering souls to help save a lost child of mine. Both my Son and I have pleaded for heaven to be flooded with prayers, yet everyday we receive fewer prayers than the day before.

My heart cries out this day for I see many of my children’s souls being lost forever. A Mother is to be loved, honored, and respected but as the Mother of all mankind, I suffer daily. My children just DO NOT LOVE ME OR MY SON, JESUS. Every soul must stand alone before my Son upon their death. I am sorrowful because many of my children have no acts of love or good deeds to present to my Son. My children of today love themselves first when it is my Son who should be loved beyond all others. As the Mother of all, I beg my children to bend their knees and ask forgiveness of my Son. I ask my children to give me their pride so I can help, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to make them humble. I ask my children, as always, to look at the cross and ask my Son to help your hearts of stone to be open to the graces we want to give you. As a Mother, I tell you my Son wants to help all who turn from their evil ways, ask for forgiveness, and are truly sorry for their sins. As a Mother, I will never stop praying for my children. I want to help you but first you must ask for my help. My Son will not interfere with the free will he gives you and neither will I.

Pray for my shepherd, John Paul II, for soon he will be taken into exile. His place in heaven is waiting yet my Son, Jesus, is not ready to receive him at this time. The evil men of your world will soon tell you he has died. It is then that my faithful remnant will be moved to a safe place. Open your hearts my little lost children and I will help you in any and every way. As your Blessed Mother, know that I love you and I will never stop loving you. I give you my blessing today and I send you forth with my love and with my peace. Continue, I beg you, to Pray, Pray, Pray.

Your Blessed Mother

Virginia is a 48-year-old nurse and has been receiving messages from Jesus and Blessed Mother since September 1999. She and her husband, Rick, live in Louisiana. Virginia has two grown sons and one grandson.