Thursday, April 25, 2002:

Prayer Group: Jesus said: "My people, I am again showing you the insect world up close to let you realize how they fit into My creation and the balance of nature. By your pesticides, genetic changes in your crops and your acid rain pollution you are changing how these insects have to adapt to survive. Many of these species are dying off or are mutating into species that could cause you problems as killer bees, fire ants, and disease carrying mosquitoes. Work toward more natural means of solving your problems instead of changing genes of the plants and manufacturing all kinds of pesticides." Jesus said: "My people, I am showing you this train to emphasize how many disasters that you are seeing one after another. These incidents are occurring all over the world as well. Several train wrecks have caused some loss of life and contamination of certain areas with hazardous chemicals. Airplane accidents and large fires have also taken their toll. Many of these disasters are not connected, but they continue to fill your newspapers day after day." Jesus said: "My people, in this age of terrorism you are seeing more threats alerting you in your banks, food markets, and places of entertainment. Once terrorist acts have been carried out, all tips or warnings need to be checked out even if they are false. Further attacks are being perpetrated on your supposed secure computer lines in business and government with various computer viruses. Whenever explosions, airplane crashes and train wrecks occur there is a fear of terrorism until the causes are determined. Because of the terrorist attacks on civilians, no one is safe from these incidents. Life must go on, but many are apprehensive in the work place and while traveling. Pray that these militants will change their ways of terror and seek peaceful compromises." Jesus said: "My people, you have seen some large numbers of people being killed with conventional means. These terrorists could also use radiation bombs and biological weapons as anthrax just as well. You have been spared this weapon of mass destruction use until now, but there are no guarantees that such weapons would not be used in the future. The reprisals for the numbers of deaths could quickly bring on a world war of large proportions. Pray for peace and that such weapons are not used." Jesus said: "My people, there are many targets in any city that could be vulnerable to suicide bomber attacks. Again you can only ask so much of your security attempts as the terrorists could strike at any time in any city. Continue to pray for peace and pray that your security efforts are effective in stopping these attacks. While there is conflict in the Middle East, you could see far reaching effects from the militant minds who are against those supporting Israel." Jesus said: "My people, the Arab countries are becoming increasingly militant over Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. Threats of oil embargoes are being voiced in more Arab countries that could trigger some oil and gas shortages or price hikes. Energy dependence of running your cars, factories and planes on foreign fuels is getting a lot of attention because many industrial nations are vulnerable to fuel shortages. Providing new oil sources, alternate fuels, and conservation are now major topics of discussion because of the threat from wars and terrorists on fuel supplies. These problems of supply and the environment will be ways in which your country may have to cut back its standard of living. Pray to Me for discernment in how to deal with all of the problems of your day." Jesus said: "My people, man has been building large towers and buildings today much as he built great pyramids and large stone cities in the past. The difference in today is that man's vulnerability to destruction is taking on a new concern. In the past there have been many easy ways of building and expansion, but now man is questioning the safety of these massive towers and skyscrapers. Many of the problems of your society are about to change the way you live. Now is the time to see how your spiritual lives are more important than all of your riches and comforts. You will soon be focusing on a simpler lifestyle than on all that your 'me' generation has demanded."

Saturday, April 27, 2002:

Jesus said: "My people, I am showing you these tall mountains that represent things in life that appear insurmountable to change. Many times instead of asking My help, people give up on things thinking that they could not accomplish certain tasks. When you think of asking My help, you will see many things can be accomplished through miracles of My grace. The more you believe and trust in My help, the more good that can be brought to completion. I have given everyone many talents and I do not want you to waste them by your laziness and timidness to carry out My plan for your life. Do not let fear of failure or criticism hold you back in carrying out your duties and good deeds. Many times you could help your neighbor more if you pushed yourself out of your comfort zone and contributed more of your time and treasure as well. When you ask My help, you will have the eyes of faith to accomplish many beautiful deeds in My Name. Keep your focus on Me and you will see even impossible things brought about." Jesus said: "My people, I want to share with you how each of you are equal in importance to Me. No matter whether some are rich or poor financially, I made each of you to My image and you all are special to Me. No matter what race or ethnic group that you belong to, you all have a special place in My heart. So do not think that you are better than someone else in My eyes, because you each have to answer for the many gifts that you have been given. Some may appear to have more grace than another, but because of their gifts, the one with more has a higher responsibility to gain more perfection. Do not be quick to give partiality to someone who will return your favors. Treat each person equally as I would treat each person. Do not be discriminatory with people of various means or race. One of the hardest of your Christian responsibilities is to even love your enemies. See Me in each person and you will see a special value in each soul."

Sunday, April 28, 2002:

Jesus said: "My people, I am showing you this quiet room in a library to remind you to take time for some quiet reading of Scripture or the Liturgy of the hours. This is a special time for you to gather your thoughts about how I want to lead your life. Unless you take time for prayer and spiritual reading, it will be hard to have My peace in your soul. All of this time can be used to build up your spiritual stamina to fight the temptations of the evil one and to help you in evangelizing My Word to those that you meet. Recall the times in Scripture when I went off to the mountains and the desert to pray. I was preparing for the various missions that I had to lead the people and My apostles. This was My example for you to strengthen yourselves for the trials that you will have to face every day. Rejoice in My words of love and truth that will direct you on your path to heaven." Jesus said: "My people, these large crucifixes are a witness of My love to all the peoples of the world. There are some who detest seeing My crosses because they cause guilt feelings of their sins. Some want to continue in their sinful lusty lifestyles and they do not want to be reminded of how they need to repent of their sins. When My faithful stand up and witness to My Name, you become like these crosses by reminding sinners to shape up their spiritual lives. When you stop to pray in from of My Blessed Sacrament, you are in awe of My Real Presence. Your soul drinks in My peace and you are at rest in My presence. My love exudes from My consecrated Host and I am united with the love in your heart. Many times you do not want to leave Me because you sense an extra protection in My presence. I want you to share My peace and love with others, so they can come into My loving presence. The more that you visit My Blessed Sacrament, the stronger you will become in your faith. When you come to visit Me, relax and place your burdens on My shoulders. Love of Me is more important than any of your worldly cares. You will have to suffer much in life, but with My help your suffering will be easier to offer up for your sins and the sins of others."

Monday, April 29, 2002:

Jesus said: "My people, this vision of a sacramentary is a reminder for some of My people to prepare for having home Masses when the churches are closed. As the time of tribulation draws near, you will see financial failures from lawsuits and tax problems close some churches. My faithful priests will need to have home Masses and My Church will even have to go underground as persecution of Christians will become life threatening. I want you to have Mass books, vestments, vessels, candles, and the bread and wine needed for offering Mass. The number of priests are diminishing in vocations and those let go for sexual abuses. It will become harder to find a proper Mass and a priest to offer it. I will protect My faithful from the evil ones, but you must pray to Me to help you. By trusting in Me, I will bring your souls through the tribulation unmolested by the evil ones. I will also provide for your physical and spiritual food to sustain your life."

Tuesday, April 30, 2002:

Jesus said: "My people, you remember when I first called My disciples away from being fishermen and I told them that they would be fishers of men. (Matt. 4:19) So this vision of a fishing boat is in reference to that moment. Yet, how can you put out into the water to catch fish if your boat is not in shape to stay afloat? In the same way how can you go out to save souls and be fishers of men and women unless you are fully prepared? You cannot be evangelists on your own, but you must invoke My help and that of the Holy Spirit. As I prepared My apostles to be ministers of My Word, so My faithful must be spiritually readied for their ministry also. By prayer, fasting, and reading My words of Scripture, then you will have an understanding of the faith that you can share with potential converts. By getting your own spiritual house in order, then you will be ready to help other sinners do the same. By frequent Confession you can repent of your sins and seek My forgiveness of your sins. This is the example that I want you to give to all sinners. It is not just enough to be sorry for your sins, but you must come publicly to confess your sins to the priest who is My representative on earth. I gave the power to forgive sins to My apostles as the first priests when I said: 'Amen I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound also in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed also in heaven.' (Matt. 18:18)" Jesus said: "My people, your society is so geared up for instant gratification of all that you want, it is not surprising that you are drawn to fast food restaurants. Some do not want to sit down and have their meal, so they go through the drive up window so they can eat on the way. Unfortunately, man has so adulterated his food with so many artificial ingredients that it is not surprising to see so many cases of cancer. A steady diet of fried foods can affect your digestive tract adversely. It is the abuse of your foods that have caused more bacterial diseases and viruses to increase in your population. Some are more focused on natural foods and proper diets so they can avoid the increase in cancers and other diseases of the digestive tract. It is better that you focus on good health of your body than abuse it. It is also better not to add so many artificial ingredients to your food. The more man tries to change nature to his liking, the more problems you will have later on as you reap the reaction from nature rebelling to your manipulations. It is better to live a simple, natural life than a rushed, unnatural life. You spend too much time trying to improve things that do not need fixing. Trust in the way that I have planned life more than your agenda."

Wednesday, May 1, 2002:

Jesus said: "My people, this vision of a priest walking down a long dark corridor is a sign of what My priest sons must face in this age of apostasy. No longer can My laity blindly trust every priest because some are not teaching My words faithfully. This trust in My priests has been threatened also by some of the recent perversions of a few. Part of the problem with some priests has been their falling away from a good prayer life and for a disbelief in My Real Presence in the Host. Seminaries have been closed because of their liberal teaching of liberation theology and an encouragement of homosexuality as acceptable. Some priests have been attracted more to the comforts and pleasures of the world instead of following in My footsteps of humility and suffering. My priest sons need your prayers and your encouragement to teach properly and give good example to the faithful. My priests need to focus more on Me and their prayer life instead of following worldly agendas. My priest sons have a responsibility to bring souls to Me and they will pay dearly for all those souls that they mislead into sin with false teachings about heterosexual and homosexual sins." Jesus said: "My people, you are seeing the first stage of people volunteering to take the chip in their hand. I have told you in the past that smart cards were the forerunner of taking chips in the hand. I also said that people would initially volunteer to take the chip in the hand. The second stage would be a secret forcing of people to take chips in the hand or they would be taken to detention camps. At these camps some would be martyred, tortured, or enslaved. All of those without the chip would be outlaws. The terrorists' actions will precipitate national ID cards and eventually mandatory chips in the hand or face imprisonment. This stage of forced chips, a schism in My Church, and world famine would be the time to have your guardian angels guide you to the nearest refuge. This time of tribulation was thought by some to be far off, but as events are unfolding, these chips have become a reality and their being forced on people is a near possibility. You have been warned not to be at your home when the one world agents come to force the chip on you. I am warning you now more than ever to have your backpacks ready to take off in a relative short time because the one world people are close to a push for world takeover. Some have not wanted to believe that they are in the end times or that chips in the hand would even happen, but the reality of today's events are right before you. Pray for My help in these days for I am the only one to protect your soul from the evil ones."

Thursday, May 2, 2002:

Jesus said: "My people, you have been witnessing large numbers of prisoners in detention centers as in Cuba. This public scene of rigid treatment is being given so people understand what happens to those who disagree with the authorities. A time is coming soon when you will be an outlaw if you refuse to take a computer chip in the hand for whatever reason. The need for security against terrorists or the prevention of fraudulent identity cards will be the reason that national ID chips will be forced on the people. Refuse to take these chips in the hand because they will eventually be abused as the mark of the beast. Refuse to worship the beast or the Antichrist because I alone should you worship. Even if they imprison you and threaten to kill you, refuse these chips. Some may even be martyred for being defiant as examples to the rest of the population. Pray to Me for help to be taken to refuges away from the authorities when this happens. Chips in the hand will be the means that the Antichrist will be able to control the world for a brief reign. Those, who have My protection and refuse these chips, will be safe from the Antichrist's control. Forced smart cards for national IDS will be coming under many forms through driver licenses, social security cards, health cards, and Defense Department cards. Eventually a chip in the hand will replace this ID card and it will become mandatory for buying and selling. Scripture is coming true before your eyes as the Antichrist's control is close at hand. Trust in My help and I will give rest to your soul."