Jesus <>

ave maria+++

Say the litany of the Precious Blood for protection and deliverance and salvation

The Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus

Lord  have Mercy on us

Christ have mercy on us

Lord have mercy on us

Christ hear us

Christ graciously hear us

God the Father of Heaven     have mercy on us

God the Son  Redeemer of the world   have  mercy on us

God the Holy Spirit ,have mercy on us

Holy Trinity One God  have mercy on us

Blood of Jesus Christ, only  begotten Son of the Eternal Father,  Save  

Blood of Jesus Christ  Incarnate Word of God   Save us

Blood of Jesus Christ  of the  New and Eternal Testament  Save us

Blood of Jesus Christ  falling upon earth in the Agony

Blood of Jesus Christ shed profusely in the Scourging

Blood of Jesus Christ flowing forth from the  crowning  with Thorns

Blood of Jesus Christ  poured out on the Cross

Blood of Jesus Christ  price of our salvation

Blood of Jesus Christ  without which  there is no forgiveness

Blood of Jesus Christ  Eucharistic Drink  and refreshment of souls

Blood of Jesus Christ  stream of mercy

Blood of Jesus  Christ victor over demons

Blood of Jesus  Christ  courage of martyrs

Blood  of Jesus Christ bringing forth virgins

Blood  of Jesus Christ help of those in peril

Blood of Jesus  Christ relief  of the burdened

Blood of Jesus  Christ solace in sorrow

Blood of Jesus  Christ  hope of the penitent

Blood of Jesus  Christ Consolation of the dying

Blood of Jesus Christ  peace  and tenderness of Hearts

Blood of Jesus Christ  pledge of eternal Life

Blood of Jesus Christ freeing souls  from purgatory

Blood of Jesus Christ  most worthy  of all  glory and honor

Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world  Spare us O Lord

Lamb of God  who takes  away the sins of the world Have mercy on us

Lamb of God  who takes away the  the  sins of the world,  Have mercy on

V. You have redeemed us O Lord  in your Blood

R. And  made  us ,for  our God ,a Kingdom

                            Let us  Pray

Almighty and Eternal God, you have appointed Your only begotten Son
the Redeemer of the world, and willed  to be  appeased  by His Blood. Grant
we beg of you, that we may worthily adore this price of our salvation,
and through its power be safeguarded  from the evils  of this present  life  
so that we may rejoice  in its fruits forever in heaven  Through  the same
Christ our Lord. Amen