Father Melvin Doucette
1704 Palmer Road North, R.R. 2
Tignish, Prince Edward Island
C0B 2B0   Canada

Wednesday, 04 December 2002

Dear Paul, Rita and Friends,
Good morning on this cold and partly cloudy day! We did not get any snow
yesterday, only a few flakes, but it was cloudy all day. I went to
Palmer Road Church at 10:00 AM to celebrate the Holy Eucharist with a
group of people from the parish. This evening is the last evening for
the seminar in the Life of the Spirit. I will be there at the seminar. I
was not there last week as I was in Charlottetown for the healing Mass.

As usual, I was with Jesus in prayer this morning. He spoke to me
saying, "Melvin, my friend, I love you. You come again today to spend a
half hour with me. I fill your heart with my Spirit. Oh! All you
brothers and sisters of mine, you are always busy and find little time
for me. You are too much like Martha who used to fuss about many things.
Mary, her sister, had found the best place as she just sat there
contemplating. She listened to my words and kept them in her heart. Oh,
how I wish we had more Marys who would come to be with me! This is
holiness: to open your heart completely to me so I can be formed in you
and that you live only for me. Forget about yourself and focus
completely on me. You will find yourself in me, changed, humble, meek
and at peace. You cannot be holy apart from me. I am holy and I make
every person holy if I live in his or her heart and each one lives in
me. Then you can bring me to all the people you meet. My love and my
peace will touch them. The fire of My Spirit will enkindle their hearts
and it will spread in all directions. Let me light your heart so that
you can be a channel of my love for the world is cold these days. I want
to warm you up. I love you."

The Lord knows that this is a busy season. We have to send piles of
Christmas cards to all our relatives and friends even though with many
there is no communication for the rest of the year. There is all the
decoration to do and the cooking and the gifts to buy. We simply run
from one store to another. We are like Martha in the Bible who was
always busy over many things. We can cut down on our activities. Can we
not simplify our preparation for Christmas? We don't need all those
cookies and cakes do we? What is important according to Jesus is our
spiritual preparation. The one who showed us this is Mary who sat at the
Lord's feet and listened to Him and contemplated Him. He praised her for
choosing the best place. Jesus speaks again about the fire of the Holy
Spirit and holiness. We cannot make ourselves holy apart from Him. We
have to empty ourselves of all the chunk in our hearts and let Him enter
and fill it. He wants to warm us up by lighting the fire in our hearts.
We can then warm up the hearts that are cold. There are plenty of these
cold hearts everywhere we live.

May the fire of the Holy Spirit glow in our hearts this Advent Season
and prepare us for the Birthday of the Lord.
Father Melvin
TEL: (902) 882-2004   E-MAIL: melvin.doucette@pei.sympatico.ca

WHERE: St. Mary's Romanian Church, Dearborn Michigan
       Across from Sacred Heart Church
DATE:  January 11 & 12
TIME:  Saturday 9:00 am - Registration, coffee & donuts
       9:30 am Rosary; followed by 4-5 talks and Mass.
       After Father will anoint people with blessed oil.
       Sunday 10:00 am, begins with Mass  
COST:  $15        
INFO:  Marian Peace Center of Detroit, tel: (248) 559-4544  

- Please register ahead; limited to 150 persons
- Bring brown-bag lunch; coffee and donuts will be available
- Our books, tapes, religious items & Father's books will be available
PILGRIMAGES:  http://www.giftstor.org/FrDoucettePilgrimage.html

(English) http://www.giftstor.org/FrDoucetteThird2.html
(English) http://www.oocities.org/ourladyofpei/index.html
(SPANISH) http://www.oocities.org/espanol/dwasercaesp/index_es.html
(POLISH)  http://geocities.yahoo.com.br/ks_melvinbr/
NOTE: FOR FOLLOWING SEND AN EMAIL TO 'RITA' AT:  pdoucet@nb.sympatico.ca

TO RECEIVE:  Fr. Doucette's 2001 Press Release, New Bio, Michael Brown's
Interview, Previous Messages, or cost of Books and/or Photo of Our Lady.

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