Father Melvin Doucette
1704 Palmer Road North, R.R. 2
Tignish, Prince Edward Island
C0B 2B0  Canada

Wednesday, 07 August 2002


Dear Paul, Rita and Friends,
Greetings on this wet and cold morning! The wind is blowing from the
north which means that the fishermen will not be able to set their
lobster traps today. Fishing begins tomorrow.

I contemplated for 30 minutes this morning. At the beginning Jesus spoke
to me saying, "Melvin, my brother, I love you. Let us go this morning to
visit Our Father in heaven." I agreed and Jesus took me up a large
stairway to the Father's Throne. I knelt before Him in adoration. He
spoke to us saying, "Welcome Jesus and Melvin, come and sit beside me.
Jesus, My Son, thank you for your great sacrificial act of redemption
for the salvation of the world. Melvin, my son and Jesus' friend, I
bless you. I also bless all those who do my will. Many of you are deeply
wounded in your heart because of evil. Others have buried resentments
against a parent, a relative or a neighbour. These live in pain and
darkness because they are helpless to do anything for themselves. Only
Jesus can help them. Come all you who suffer, trust in Jesus, your
Saviour. Accept Him as your great healer. Repent of your sins and
forgive those who hurt you in any way. My Son showed you the way, by
forgiving those who put Him to death, while He was hanging on the cross
in severe pain. I want you to be free of all burdens and to live in my
love. Go to the priests and they will forgive you in my name of all your
offenses against your close relatives or neighbours. Come into the light
and I will give you peace and joy. I love you."

Many people are wounded because of sin or because someone sinned against
them. Many times close relationships were broken and resentment has
built up in our hearts. We live in darkness without peace or joy. The
result of all this is pain and suffering. The worst about all this is
that we can carry this resentment for years. I know a brother and sister
who never spoke to each other for twenty years or more. Sometimes one
does not speak to his next door neighbour for years and years because of
some words that were spoken without any discernment. Many find it
difficult to forgive those who hurt them. Our Heavenly Father spoke
about this problem this morning. He acknowledges that many are deeply
wounded because of this evil. He said that only Jesus can help these
people. We have to accept Him as our Saviour and healer. There is no
way we can get rid of resentment and be healed except by forgiving the
one who hurt us. God will give us His peace if we repent of our sins
that have offended God and caused pain to others. The Father wants us to
be free of these hurts and of the darkness caused by our actions and
words. He directs us to go to the priest for absolution for all priests
can forgive in God's name. The Father loves us and that is why He wants
us to enjoy His peace.

Let us humble ourselves before the Lord in order to receive His pardon,
love and peace.
Father Melvin

TEL: (902) 882-2004
E-MAIL: melvin.doucette@pei.sympatico.ca

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NOTE: FOR FOLLOWING SEND AN EMAIL TO 'RITA' AT:  pdoucet@nb.sympatico.ca

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