Father Melvin Doucette
Palmer Road North, R.R. 2,
Tignish, Prince Edward Island
C0B 2B0  Canada

Tuesday, 09 July 2002

Dear Paul, Rita and Friends,
Greetings in the Lord! We have another dark morning but it might clear
up this afternoon. I was at the Manor yesterday and the chapel was full
for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. It is always a joy to see the
deep faith of these elderly people.

In my prayer early this morning, Jesus spoke to me saying, "Melvin, I
love you. Every day you come to me in prayer and I give you a message
for the world. Through you I touch hundreds of thousands of people in
many countries. In this way many hearts are turned to me. My message
brings healing to a sick world where relationships are often broken and
many feel lonely. I wish to restore peace in the hearts of all, in their
family life and in their neighborhoods and communities. My message is
also a call for a change of heart. My friends, I call you to be aware of
who you are: the redeemed brothers and sisters of mine. Life without me
is not worthy of you. The world and secular pursuits will never fulfill
you because you will not find there what you are looking for. What you
need, my people, is a loving relationship with me. You need to come
close to me and be filled with my life, my love and my light. You are
not the answer to the riddle of life but I am as I am life itself. I am
the source of everything meaningful in your life and you need to be
linked with me to experience it. Walk with me and you will learn what is
important in your life. Just clasp my hand extended out to you. I love

Yes, everything good and everything meaningful can only be found in
Jesus. He is the source of life, of love and of goodness itself. It is
amazing how this message spreads throughout the world every day. Jesus
is behind it for He wants to touch as many people as possible. It is His
way to call us all close to Him. Today's world seems to be growing
colder and colder because of the philosophy of self-centeredness and
consumerism. It is the philosophy of caring only for "me." Jesus tells
us that we do not have in our nature the answer to life and to
happiness. That answer lies only in God who is the author of all life
and happiness. Without a strong and vibrant link with the Lord, we will
feel cut off from what is meaningful and we will be living in the dark.
No wonder there is so much depression today when we do not have a strong
relationship with Jesus. Let us renew our faith in the Lord and come to
Him every day in prayer. Let us clasp His hand and walk with Him.

I must hurry now and go to Alberton Parish Church for the celebration of
the Holy Eucharist at 9:00 AM.

May we all take hold of Jesus' hand and hold on to it every day.
Father Melvin

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