Father Melvin Doucette
1704 Palmer Road North, R.R. 2
Tignish, Prince Edward Island
Canada  C0B 2B0

Wednesday, 09 October 2002


Dear Paul, Rita and Friends,
Good morning on this partly cloudy Wednesday! It is still cool but the
air is fresh and healthy. We should have plenty of sun later on. Thank
you for all your prayers for the sick especially Wayne, who feels
stronger, for Michelle, whom I hope to visit today, and all the others.

I spent a half hour with Jesus this morning in contemplative prayer. He
spoke to me saying, "Melvin, my friend, I love you. I want you to have a
deep spiritual life in union with me. This life of grace which you
received at baptism is to grow day after day. Through prayer, especially
contemplative prayer, and the sacraments of confirmation, the Eucharist
and reconciliation, you all grow in your life with me. My dear brothers
and sisters, I repeat what I said sometime ago, you cannot give what you
do not have. First come and be changed by me and build up a strong
relationship with me and you will be able to pass it on to others. Make
the effort every day to come to me in prayer so that your heart may be
anchored in me. It is through contemplative prayer, where you focus
completely on me, that you will come to know me and a strong
relationship will grow. This is the pearl of great price: to have a
loving relationship with me. With that firm foundation, you will not
stray far from me. You will bring my care and my help to all those in
need. I will grace you with my gifts especially those of peace and joy.
You will never be alone because I will be with you. I will give you my
strength to overcome any obstacle in your way. Give me your hand and I
will guide you. You will no longer have any fear but love will dwell in
your heart. I bless you."

The attitude we need to have towards Jesus, Our Saviour, is that of
humility. We are not GOD, so we need to go to Him and ask for His help.
We have to learn every day that we are dependent beings. We cannot do
anything good on our own. There is one though who is sufficient in
Himself and that one is God. We depend on Him for everything even our
own breath. God has also become a human being like us in Jesus. He
became man because He loves us. He established His Kingdom here on earth
and we need to be a living member of that Kingdom. Through the grace of
baptism we enter the Kingdom and become part of the Mystical Body of
Christ. If we are part of His Kingdom and part of His Body, it is
important that we come to know Him, love Him and serve Him every day.

All this leads us to the pearl of great price, which is: to have a
loving relationship with Jesus. This cannot be achieved by reading
books, discussion, watching movies, etc. These different activities can
help but without prayer it cannot be achieved. Contemplative prayer is a
great means to help us to achieve this close relationship with Jesus. By
means of this prayer, we focus on the Lord, and spend time with Him. He
will remove the clutter in our hearts, quiet our imagination and lead us
up the mountain with Him. There in peace and quiet, we will come to know
Him and love Him. We will discover a new life with more meaning, more
depth and more peace. Our priorities will change and material things
will have less of a pull on us. We will have more energy, more strength
to overcome obstacles on our way. Jesus will become the most important
person in our lives. Fear will be replace by love and we will see the
world from a different angle. Jesus will dwell in us and we will dwell
with Him. This is the deep conversion that the Lord is calling us to
undergo. Let us ask Him for His help today.

I will go to the prayer meeting this evening and I will pray for you
all. May the Lord fill your heart with love.
Father Melvin

TEL: (902) 882-2004
E-MAIL: melvin.doucette@pei.sympatico.ca
PILGRIMAGE: http://www.giftstor.org/FrDoucettePilgrimage.html

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