Father Melvin Doucette
Palmer Road North, R.R. 2,
Tignish, Prince Edward Island
C0B 2B0  Canada

Wednesday, 10 July 2002

Dear Paul, Rita and Friends,
Good morning! The sun is shining bright as it rises in the early
morning. There is still smoke around from the fires in Quebec and it
causes the sun to be fiery red. I was in Alberton Parish yesterday
morning for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Today I'll be going
to Charlottetown to collect books that have just been printed and I will
make stops in Summerside and Tyne Valley. I'll only be home late this

In my early morning prayer, Jesus took me up the mountain. This is what
He said: "Melvin, my brother, I love you. This morning I bring you way
up the mountain. See the beautiful spot here where we can rest and
admire the splendid scene. You can see for miles on this bright day. See
the small lakes and the islets in the distance. Feel the peace and the
stillness of this place. Look at the various colours of this perfect
picture. All this was made by My Father for you and all the people to
admire. See the Father's great love in creating such beauty for you. If
nature can be so wonderful to the eye, what greater beauty is a human
being in the eyes of God. The human person was made in the image and
likeness of God endowed with intelligence and free will. The human
spirit is like God for it too will never die. Each person has more worth
than the whole world and everything in it. Your true place is with God
for you are all my brothers and sisters. Do not soil your dignity by sin
or deface it by pride. Live as partners with me clothed with love and
devotion. You will be my masterpiece if I live in you and you live in
me. Follow me, your Saviour. I bless you all."

What beauty the Lord showed me this morning! I could have stayed there
all day.

Jesus showed me creation in all its splendour. Yet each person is much
greater in the eyes of God than all of the earth. In fact the earth and
all that is in it was made for us to use in an intelligent way. On earth
we are the summit of creation. We are the only ones who can know God and
His Son, Jesus Christ, and praise and honour Him. We have also an
exalted destiny: to be happy with God forever in heaven. Let us begin
then to live here on earth as we would in heaven. Jesus has already
showed us the way. Let us follow Him.

May the Lord brighten our day with the gift of His love and peace.
Father Melvin

TEL: (902) 882-2004
E-MAIL: melvin.doucette@pei.sympatico.ca

WEB SITE: (English) http://hia.net/giftstor/FrDoucetteSecond2.html
WEB SITE: (English) http://www.oocities.org/ourladyofpei/index.html
WEB SITE: (POLISH)  http://geocities.yahoo.com.br/ks_melvinbr/
NOTE: FOR FOLLOWING SEND AN EMAIL TO 'RITA' AT:  pdoucet@nb.sympatico.ca

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