Father Melvin Doucette
Palmer Road North, R.R. 2,
Tignish, Prince Edward Island
C0B 2B0  Canada

Thursday, 11 July 2002


Dear Paul, Rita and Friends,
Greetings in the Lord! It is cool and windy this morning and not like
July at all. There is no humidity in the air as the wind blows from the
northwest. The sun, though, is shining bright. I went to Charlottetown,
Summerside and Tyne Valley yesterday. I left at 8:30 in the morning and
did not get home before 5:30 in the evening. I collected the books I had
ordered and visited many people filled with the love of God. I attended
the prayer meeting last evening and a fairly large group was present.

I was back on the mountain with Jesus in my prayer this morning. He
spoke to me saying, "Melvin, I live in your heart. I love you. You are
still on the mountain with me and admiring the beauty of nature created
by Our Father. I remind you that the earth, moon, sun and stars were all
created from nothing. At the beginning there was only void. In His great
power the Father created all these great things by His Word. You cannot
fathom the greatness of the universe but it is as nothing for God. The
vastness of the universe and its clocklike precision were made for the
human race and all this has engaged the human mind since the beginning.
My friends, you cannot fine the reason for existence in yourself but
only in God who is the foundation of all that exists. This is why all
the peoples of the world are called to praise and adore their Creator
and worship Him in ritual sacrifices. The only ritual sacrifice
acceptable by the Father today is my sacrifice on the Cross for the
redemption of the world. As the Son of God I offered the perfect
sacrifice to My Father. My sacrifice is made present every time the
celebration of the Holy Eucharist takes place at the altar. It is the
sacrifice in my blood that washes you from all sins and makes you
acceptable to the Father. Live now as redeemed children of the Father
and be my friends. I embrace you all and I bless you."

There is a movement these days that looks upon the earth as a goddess.
This is not true and Jesus shows us why this morning. Jesus tells us
that the earth and in fact the whole universe was created by the Father
from nothing. If there is something we like or admire in the world, we
should praise and thank God who created it. Everything comes from His
hand. We know too that we are created by God and therefore need to
worship and adore Him. From ancient times sacrifices have been offered
to God by the peoples of the world. They offered in most cases animals
as the Jews in the Old Testament did. In Africa there are also offerings
of bread, beer as well as animals such as chicken, goat or sheep. In the
New Testament there is only one sacrifice, the sacrifice of Jesus on the
cross. It is this sacrifice on the cross which is represented or made
present every time the Holy Eucharist is celebrated. Jesus' sacrifice is
eternal and can be made present through Holy Mass. We forever offer to
the Father the one sacrifice of Our Lord who died on the cross for our
salvation. Jesus calls us to live as redeemed children of God and as His
brothers and sisters. Let us live as men and women who offer praise and
adoration to God every day. Let us thank Him for the beauty of our world
created by Him.

Let us live every day what we are in fact: the beloved children of God.
Father Melvin

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