Father Melvin Doucette
Palmer Road North, R.R. 2,
Tignish, Prince Edward Island
C0B 2B0  Canada

Friday, 14 June 2002

Dear Paul, Rita and Friends,
Good morning on this sunny Friday. I thank the Lord for this beautiful
day with very little wind, no clouds in the sky and all of nature
praising God. The canticle of praise from Daniel 3: 57-88, 56 comes to
mind: let every creature praise the Lord.

At prayer I was with Jesus in His Agony. He spoke to me saying, "Melvin,
I love you. Come and join me in the Garden of Gethsemane. My heart is
very heavy tonight as I go through my agony. The Apostles are all
asleep. They cannot watch even one hour with me. Come, Melvin, and keep
me company during this lonely night.

Father in heaven, I am in great sorrow and my body shudders at the
thought of the terrible death that is awaiting me. I pray, Father, that
you take this 'cup', this pain from me. The thought of my passion,
crucifixion and death fills me with great fear and I would like to run
away. Father, is there not another way to save the people? My body hurts
all over at the thought of what will happen tomorrow. My heart is
pounding in my chest in fearful reaction. I am sweating blood as I go
through this agony. Yet, Father, with all my heart and soul, I say not
my will but yours be done. It is for this that I came into the world: to
redeem the world; to pay the price for the sins of the people.

Melvin, no man has greater sorrow than I have this evening. Yet, I have
submitted myself totally to the Father and I have decided to put myself
in the hand of my enemy to accomplish the work I was sent to do. It is
for your salvation and the salvation of all my brothers and sisters that
I go to the cross. I give my life for you all. I love you."

During this half hour I was completely absorbed with the Lord in His
Agony. My heart hurt very much to see Him in such suffering. I was back
in Jerusalem on that very stone in the Church of All Nations in the
Garden of Gethsemane on Holy Thursday in 1990, where Jesus sweated
blood. It was my sins and the sins of all the people that caused such
suffering to Jesus. I offered Him my love and thanked Him for redeeming
us. When will the people of the world accept Jesus as their Lord and
Redeemer who suffered and died for each one of them? When will we open
wide our hearts and let Him in? As He asked me, He asks everyone to come
and keep Him company in His Agony. He wants us, one by one, to turn to
Him and offer ourselves completely to Him. Let us be His loyal and true
friends from today onwards.

May the Lord increase our faith in Him and enlarge our heart to love Him
Father Melvin

TEL: (902) 882-2004
E-MAIL: melvin.doucette@pei.sympatico.ca

WEB SITE: (English) http://hia.net/giftstor/FrDoucetteSecond2.html
WEB SITE: (English) http://www.oocities.org/ourladyofpei/index.html
WEB SITE: (POLISH)  http://geocities.yahoo.com.br/ks_melvinbr/
NOTE: FOR FOLLOWING SEND AN EMAIL TO 'RITA' AT:  pdoucet@nb.sympatico.ca

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