Father Melvin Doucette
1704 Palmer Road North, R.R. 2
Tignish, Prince Edward Island
Canada  C0B 2B0

Tuesday, 15 October 2002

Dear Paul, Rita and Friends,
Greetings on this sunny day although it is cool and windy! I went to
Winsloe yesterday for a Thanksgiving treat. I arrived back home about
10:00 PM. I had gone to the Manor for the celebration of the Holy
Eucharist before going to visit my nephew and his wife. The chapel was
full and all were very prayerful. My mother attended and she was in good

In my prayer this morning, Jesus spoke to me saying, "Melvin, my
brother, I love you. I take you this morning to the town of Cana in
Galilee. You visited this small town when you were in Israel. It is not
far from Nazareth. You will remember the Church with the large painting
of the wedding feast I attended there with my mother and the disciples.
It was there that I performed my first miracle by changing water into
wine at the request of my dear mother. I blessed this couple that was
getting married that day. I bless every couple who pledges their love to
each other for life in a wedding ceremony according to the norms of the
Church. They are to love and cherish each other for life in sickness and
in health and in good times as well as in bad times. These solemn vows
are made to the Father and me for I unite them as husband and wife. May
all couples be faithful to these vows for life. They will be unable to
keep these vows if I am not a part of their marriage for the evil one
will attempt to break this sacred bond. Dear Christian couples, let me
be a living presence in your married life. Ask for my blessing and my
grace every day. Pray daily and go to Church often and I will protect
you. You need to have a close relationship with me. I bless you."

I was surprised that Jesus took me back to Cana in my prayer this
morning. You will find the story of the Wedding Feast of Cana in John 2:
1 - 11. Marriage is a special vocation and all need the Lord's help to
make it a success. Jesus attended the wedding at Cana and blessed this
couple. He also performed His first miracle at the request of His
Mother. This is a perfect example of Our Lady's intercession. They asked
for her help and she went to Jesus and He did what she asked. Her words
in this story are significant, "Do whatever he tells you." It is Jesus
who gives a man and a woman the right to live as husband and wife. They
cannot presume to take this right upon themselves without Him. There is
so much today in our society that is against marriage, no wonder Jesus
says that couples will not succeed without His help. He needs to be part
of all Christian marriages. Let both husband and wife develop a close
relationship with Him and receive Him often in Holy Communion.

May the Lord bless us all and may He strengthen the marriage bond of all

Father Melvin

TEL: (902) 882-2004
E-MAIL: melvin.doucette@pei.sympatico.ca
PILGRIMAGES:  http://www.giftstor.org/FrDoucettePilgrimage.html