Father Melvin Doucette
Palmer Road North, R.R. 2,
Tignish, Prince Edward Island
C0B 2B0  Canada

Tuesday, 16 July 2002


Dear Paul, Rita and Friends,
Greetings and best wishes in the Lord! We had plenty of rain during the
night and the road is still wet but the sun is shining this morning. We
will have a beautiful day which many tourists will enjoy. I went to the
Manor yesterday for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. My mother
called me by name as soon as she saw me and as usual was very happy to
go to Holy Mass. She still knows very well all the responses to the
various parts of the Mass. It is always a joy to celebrate Mass with
such an appreciative and prayerful group.

My morning prayer was spent entirely with Jesus who spoke to me saying,
"Melvin, my brother, I love you. I am always with you walking at your
side. I want to live with every person who acknowledges me as his Lord
and Saviour. I am knocking at the door of your heart. My people, open
the door and I will come and make my home in you. The Holy Spirit will
come and make you holy. He will bring your minds to spiritual matters
and give you strength to avoid the pitfalls of sin and lead you along
the narrow path that leads to the Father. Do you feel tired, afraid or
depressed? Are you lost in this mixed-up world? I am the only one to
help you. I will refresh you and give you strength to overcome the
problems of life. If you love me with all your heart, I will take away
all fear in your heart. I will give you my peace. If you are depressed
or lost, I will give you the gift of joy and you will find your way
again. I am your brother who never deceives you for I am the way, the
truth and the life. Will you stop being sorry for yourself? Instead pour
your love and attention on me and you will find contentment. I love a
humble and contrite heart. Be my friend and you will have the fullness
of life. I love you and I care for you."

It does not take much at times to make us feel tired of life, afraid or
depressed. We easily lose our cool as we say. This happens because we
put too much importance on ourselves and we do not rely enough on the
Lord. The image Jesus gives us this morning is His knocking at the door
of our heart. We are the only ones who can open the door as there is no
knob on the outside. Every day He knocks and hopes we will let Him in.
He will straighten out the mess we have made. He will bring peace and
joy and show us the way to go. Jesus tells us this morning that He loves
a humble and contrite heart. These are the conditions for a fruitful
encounter with Him in prayer. Let us give Him the lead for He is Our
Saviour and the Son of God. He wants a deep friendship with each one of

May your day be spent in close union with the Lord and may you spread
His love to all you meet.
Father Melvin

TEL: (902) 882-2004
E-MAIL: melvin.doucette@pei.sympatico.ca

WEB SITE: (English) http://www.giftstor.org/FrDoucetteSecond2.html
WEB SITE: (English) http://www.oocities.org/ourladyofpei/index.html
WEB SITE: (POLISH)  http://geocities.yahoo.com.br/ks_melvinbr/
NOTE: FOR FOLLOWING SEND AN EMAIL TO 'RITA' AT:  pdoucet@nb.sympatico.ca

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