Father Melvin Doucette

Palmer Road North, R.R. 2, Tignish,

Prince Edward Island C0B 2B0 Canada

Sunday, 19 May 2002


Dear Paul, Rita and Friends,

Good morning! We had another night of rain after a nice day yesterday. It still remains cold, but we do not have any mosquitoes or flies yet. The grass and the flowers are growing with all this rain.

I was with Jesus in my period of contemplative prayer this morning and He spoke to me saying: "Melvin, my brother and my friend, I love you. Today is the Feast of Pentecost, the day we remember that the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles. It is a great day for the Church and all believers. Melvin, I am sending the Holy Spirit upon you now to fill you completely. (I rested in the Spirit for awhile.) Today I am sending the Holy Spirit on all my brothers and sisters who believe in me and follow me. May He fill you with His light and strength. He comes to renew you and give you a new heart. He will free you from sinful attachments, and bind you to me. He will strengthen our relationship and give you a taste for prayer. The Spirit will shower His gifts upon you in order that you serve your community and Church. What is sad is that many cannot receive the Holy Spirit because they have rejected me. They don't believe in me but live far from me. They prefer to live in darkness and sin. Pray that they will come to me and accept me as their Saviour and Lord. It would be my joy to send them the Spirit. You, who are receiving the Holy Spirit today, continue to grow in the Spirit, put your gifts to use and rely on me. Deepen your relationship with me by prayer especially contemplative prayer, the prayer of the heart by which you commune in love with me. Rejoice in the gift of the Holy Spirit. I bless you all."

How wonderful and how loving God is! What a gift He gives us today! Jesus tells us this morning that He is sending the Holy Spirit on each one of us. I did receive Him, in a very intense way this morning in prayer. I experienced great joy and peace in my heart. I just rested in Him for a long time knowing though that Jesus was there with me all the time. Let us rejoice in the Spirit today; let us thank Him for coming upon us. There is nothing greater we can receive, than God the Holy Spirit. He is the gift par excellence. May He give you all the gift of contemplative prayer so you can all have this loving union with Jesus and build up a strong relationship with Him. Through this prayer, we surrender completely to Him and let Him direct us as He sees fit. We need though, to be disciplined and come daily to spend time with the Lord. He will surely bless our efforts and give us the graces we need. Let us thank the Lord for His goodness to us especially in sending upon us the Most Holy Spirit. I will be at Church in Palmer Road at 11:00 this morning and this eve- ning we will have our last session of the seminar in the Life of the Spirit. This seminar has changed the lives of many people. May you be filled with the Holy Spirit today and may He renew your life completely.

Father Melvin

TEL: (902) 882-2004

E-MAIL: melvin.doucette@pei.sympatico.ca

WEB SITE: http://www.oocities.org/ourladyofpei/index.html

SPEAKING SCHEDULE: JUNE 21 - 23, 2002 CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER & MESSAGES OF OUR BLESSED MOTHER in her appearances to Father; and on Saturday evening Father will celebrate a HEALING MASS. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: MY FATHER's HOUSE, P.O. Box 22, North Moodus Road, Moodus, CT 06469 Telephone #: (860) 873-1581, Email address: Dolores@myfathershouse.com

FATHER DOUCETTE's 3 BOOKS and PICTURES of OUR LADY are STILL AVAILABLE. NEW(Order from Father only)- MY 30-DAY RETREAT: $6 each plus $4 postage For adults - THE ART OF CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER: $10 each plus $4 postage For youth - HEART TO HEART TALK WITH JESUS: $5 each plus $3 postage Photo 8X10 - OUR LADY OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND: $5 each plus $3 postage MAIL YOUR ORDER & MAKE YOUR CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO: (Canada) Fr Melvin Doucette, Palmer Road North RR 2, Tignish, PE C0B 2B0 (USA) Mr John A. Gallant, 25 Valley View Road, Stratford, CT 06614-2440

NOTE: FOR FOLLOWING SEND AN EMAIL TO 'RITA' AT: pdoucet@nb.sympatico.ca TO RECEIVE: Previous Messages, Press Release, Michael Brown's interview. TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE MESSAGES IN SPANISH: Send an email with "SUBSCRIBE-FR DOUCETTE-SPANISH" in the Subject box.