Father Melvin Doucette
Palmer Road North, R.R. 2,
Tignish, Prince Edward Island
C0B 2B0  Canada

Friday, 19 July 2002

Dear Paul, Rita and Friends,
Good morning! The sun is shining bright this morning although it is
still cool. I was in Brackley Beach yesterday afternoon in the rain and
thunder. On our way back in the evening it was very pleasant as the sun
went down as a very red ball of fire. I enjoyed the day visiting
relatives especially my cousin and her husband in the trailer park.

My prayer time was spent with Jesus in His Passion. He spoke to me
saying, "Melvin, come and listen to what the people are saying. They are
shouting, 'Crucify him, crucify him' so that Pontius Pilate can hear
them. The Governor is washing his hands and telling the Jews that they
can do as they wish with me. For them, this means that they can crucify
me. They quickly make a cross and lay it on my shoulders. I feel its
awful weight. I have to carry it to Calvary where I will be nailed to
it. What pain I feel in my whole body from the whipping I received a
short time ago. Oh, my people, they are ready to cause me great pain for
they are now ready to take me through the streets of Jerusalem. Although
I am so weak from the scourging, I have to carry this heavy cross. What
weight on my shoulders is the cross, accompany me as I make my way
through the narrow streets to atone for your sins. Melvin, help me to
carry my cross for it is very heavy with the weight of all the sins of
the world on it. I embrace my cross for this is why I was born. Through
my suffering and death, I am to redeem you all by paying the price for
your sins. I am going to Calvary to die for each one of you. Will you
follow me, my brothers and sisters? I love you."

Jesus shared some of the pain of His Passion with me again this Friday
morning. He received His cross, the symbol of all the pain of His
Passion. How sad He was when the people shouted against Him, "crucify
him, crucify him." They want to do away with their Saviour who is the
Son of God. What hatred against their Redeemer! He calls us all this
morning to follow Him as He makes His way along the via Dolorosa of
Jerusalem to the place of His execution. See the drama of this Good
Friday as the Lord pays the price for our salvation. See Him struggling
with the cross as He falls three times along the way. Yet He meets with
His dear Mother. He wants us to follow Him to experience what He
suffered for love of us. Let us see what our sins cost Him. Let us keep
Him company today in His agony, passion and death. Let us accept Him as
Our Saviour and place Him in our hearts as the Lord of our lives.

May Jesus bless us all and unite us forever to Him.
Father Melvin

TEL: (902) 882-2004
E-MAIL: melvin.doucette@pei.sympatico.ca

WEB SITE: (English) http://www.giftstor.org/FrDoucetteSecond2.html
WEB SITE: (English) http://www.oocities.org/ourladyofpei/index.html
WEB SITE: (POLISH)  http://geocities.yahoo.com.br/ks_melvinbr/
NOTE: FOR FOLLOWING SEND AN EMAIL TO 'RITA' AT:  pdoucet@nb.sympatico.ca

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