Father Melvin Doucette

Palmer Road North, R.R. 2, Tignish,

Prince Edward Island C0B 2B0 Canada

Monday, 20 May 2002


Dear Paul, Rita and Friends,

Good morning on this beautiful sunny day! It is warmer today than the other days and there is no wind. The fishermen will have a lovely day on the water and I pray they will have a good catch. We finished our seminar in the Life of the Spirit last evening. It ended with great joy and praise to the Lord. We had a get together and a lunch for a fitting end to a great seminar. I know that the Lord touched many hearts during these seven weeks. The Lord uplifted me in prayer this morning, and this is what

He said: "Melvin, I am Jesus risen from the dead, I love you. Many received the gift of the Holy Spirit yesterday. You, my brothers and sisters, have been filled and renewed. This is only the beginning of what I am asking of you. Now you need to remain close to me and be a light in this darken world. You have to be like salt, to give taste to the spiritual food offered to God. If salt loses its taste it is no good for anything and it is to be discarded. Continue to give taste to my spiritual meal. In everything you do, I want to be part of it. Do everything as a prayer, an offering to me. It can be as simple as sweeping the floor or cutting the grass. What makes it great, is that it be done for me as an act of love. Be disciplined in prayer both in private and with others, at home or in church. Let no one or anything come between you and me. If you put someone else between us, then that person is more important than I am. It is the same if you put money, drink or pleasure before me. This thing then has become a god for you and I am discarded. Instead my dear friends, may our love grow and our friendship be strong and nourished by daily visits through prayer. Your troubles will be slight, if you shut the world out for half an hour a day and spend it with me. Your heart will find peace together with me in a close union of prayer. I want to be your life. I love you." Jesus began this morning, by referring to the Feast of Pentecost and the gift of the Holy Spirit we received yesterday. He said that He was sending the Holy Spirit on all of us who believe. We have received the Holy Spirit and we are to be the light of the world, He tells us. This gift is given us for a reason. We are called to realize we are followers of Jesus and we are to serve Him in our brothers and sisters. We are not to put any person in the place of Jesus. No movie actor or actress, or sport's person is to take His place. He must be first in our lives. Let us offer each day to the Lord as an offering of love. Everything we do, let us do it for the Lord. Let us also give time to the Lord by shutting our door and spending time with Him in prayer. It is there that our love for Him will grow, and our relationship with Him will be refreshed. He wants to be at the centre of our life. What are we going to do to keep Him there at the centre? It is by being an active Christian that we will remain focus on Jesus. I will go to the Manor today to celebrate the Holy Eucharist with the residents. My mother is doing fine. She is active and walks a lot. May the Lord continue to bless us and to lead us along the true path.

Father Melvin

TEL: (902) 882-2004

E-MAIL: melvin.doucette@pei.sympatico.ca

WEB SITE: http://www.oocities.org/ourladyofpei/index.html

NOTE: FOR FOLLOWING SEND AN EMAIL TO 'RITA' AT: pdoucet@nb.sympatico.ca

TO RECEIVE: Previous Messages, Press Release, Michael Brown's interview.