Father Melvin Doucette

Palmer Road North, R.R. 2, Tignish,

Prince Edward Island C0B 2B0 Canada

Sunday, 26 May 2002


Dear Paul, Rita and Friends,

Good afternoon! I came back from Egmont Bay and Summerside about one hour ago. I celebrated the Holy Eucharist twice yesterday beginning at Summerside for a Catholic Women's group at 10:30 AM and at the Parish Church of Egmont Bay at 7:00 PM last evening. Today, I began with Mass at Egmont Bay Church at 10:00, and a second Mass at St. Paul's Church, Summerside at 12:00 noon. Catholics came in small numbers to celebrate the Feast of the Blessed Trinity. In my half hour with Jesus this morning He spoke to me saying: "Melvin, I am Jesus the Son of God, I love you and embrace you. I shower my love upon all my brothers and sisters on this day, the Feast of the Blessed Trinity. I revealed the Blessed Trinity to the world during my earthly life. I spoke more than once about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In God there are three Persons, and this is a mystery so deep that an eternity would be too short for you to try to understand it. You are not called to understand the Blessed Trinity but to believe the doctrine I have revealed to you. You are to adore the Blessed Trinity, One God in Three Divine Persons. Look at God the Father as the Creator of everything and every person and the giver of life. He does everything out of love. Look at me as God the Son, who was born of the Ever Virgin Mary and came to redeem you all. Look at the Holy Spirit as the Sanctifier who is love and who makes all holy. The only motive in the heart of God for all He has done for you, is love. He created you out of love, and fills you with His love at every moment. Accept our love each one of you, my brothers and sisters, and you will be transformed. You are flooded by Divine Love, just open your heart to receive it. I await your love in return for I love a generous heart. Your greatest joy should be to praise and adore God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I bless you all."

How great God is! What majesty is His, for He is Lord and Creator of everything and everyone. God is supreme and all love. Who are we? We are merely creatures who depend on God for everything for our own being, our life, our health, and our very breath. Everything we have and see belongs to God. He has given everything to us to use according to His plan. There is only one thing that offends God, and that is sin. Sin comes from our hearts separated from God. It is a rejection of God who made us and loves us. Jesus calls us not to understand the mystery of God; our minds are too feeble to understand the greatness of God. We can only do what Moses did: he prostrated himself in adoration. We, too, are called to adore the Lord with all our heart. Let us be a friend of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and let us invite the Three Persons to come and live in our hearts. Jesus showed us the way when He was on earth and all the Saints have done the same. One of the greatest saints of our time is Padre Pio who will be canonized in Rome next month. He lived His life in union with Jesus every day. May the Lord bless you and fill you with joy and peace on the Feast of the Most Blessed Trinity.

Father Melvin

TEL: (902) 882-2004

E-MAIL: melvin.doucette@pei.sympatico.ca

WEB SITE: http://www.oocities.org/ourladyofpei/index.html

SPEAKING SCHEDULE: JUNE 21 - 23, 2002 CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER & MESSAGES OF OUR BLESSED MOTHER in her appearances to Father; and on Saturday evening Father will celebrate a HEALING MASS. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: MY FATHER's HOUSE, P.O. Box 22, North Moodus Road, Moodus, CT 06469 Telephone #: (860) 873-1581, Email address: Dolores@myfathershouse.com

FATHER DOUCETTE's 3 BOOKS and PICTURES of OUR LADY are STILL AVAILABLE. NEW(Order from Father only)- MY 30-DAY RETREAT: $6 each plus $4 postage For adults - THE ART OF CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER: $10 each plus $4 postage For youth - HEART TO HEART TALK WITH JESUS: $5 each plus $3 postage Photo 8X10 - OUR LADY OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND: $5 each plus $3 postage MAIL YOUR ORDER & MAKE YOUR CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO: (Canada) Fr Melvin Doucette, Palmer Road North RR 2, Tignish, PE C0B 2B0 (USA) Mr John A. Gallant, 25 Valley View Road, Stratford, CT 06614-2440

NOTE: FOR FOLLOWING SEND AN EMAIL TO 'RITA' AT: pdoucet@nb.sympatico.ca

TO RECEIVE: Previous Messages, Press Release, Michael Brown's interview.