Father Melvin Doucette,  1704 Palmer Road North, R.R. 2
Tignish, Prince Edward Island  C0B 2B0  Canada

Monday, 26 August 2002


Dear Paul, Rita and Friends,
Greetings on this sunny Monday morning! We have another nice day with a
little breeze but it should not stop the boats from going fishing. My
mother bled again last night but not as much as the day before. Today we
should get the results of the tests of last week and find out where the
problem is.

I was with Jesus in my prayer this morning. He spoke to me saying,
"Melvin, my companion and friend, I love you. You come every day to be
with me in prayer. I thank you sincerely and remember that this is the
only way you can grow spiritually. Nothing can replace prayer. In the
modern world, many people are concerned about acquiring material things
and they think that they do not have time for me. They prefer to be
distracted by music and by evil stories on TV rather than work on the
most important task which is striving for holiness. St. Monica whom we
will honour tomorrow is a model for you all. She spent her life in holy
conversation with me and in asking for the grace of conversion for her
son, Augustine. I rewarded her because of her faithfulness and
perseverance. My dear brothers and sisters, place your mind and heart in
me and everything else will be given to you besides. You will come to
know me if you visit me often. You will grow to imitate me and I will
pull out all those weeds in your life. My light will penetrate all the
corners of your heart to do away with any darkness due to sin. I will
remove all resentment and fear from you. I will enlarge your heart to
love as I love. Do you love me? If you do, let me live in your heart
today. I bless you."

The Bible says that there is only one who is holy, namely God. He alone
can make us holy. This is why Jesus tells us today of the great
importance of prayer in our lives. St. Monica who spent her life praying
was greatly blessed by the Lord. He answered her prayers for her son,
Augustine. He followed the ways of the world and cared little for the
commandments of God. He joined a sect and his moral life was deplorable.
His mother's prayers won for him the grace of conversion. He became a
Catholic, was ordained a priest and was chosen a bishop. The Church
proclaimed him a saint as well as his mother. He is also one of the
greatest Fathers of the Church. He died in 430 A.D. We will celebrate
the feasts of these two saints this week.

I will be back at the Manor this afternoon for the celebration of the
Holy Eucharist. I will also see my mother. I thank you all for your

May the Lord bless you all and may you answer His call to prayer every
Father Melvin

TEL: (902) 882-2004
E-MAIL: melvin.doucette@pei.sympatico.ca
GREECE CRUISE: http://www.giftstor.org/FrDoucettePilgrimage.html

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