Father Melvin Doucette
1704 Palmer Road North, R.R. 2
Tignish, Prince Edward Island
C0B 2B0   Canada

Thursday, 28 November 2002

Dear Paul, Rita and Friends,
Good afternoon! I arrived just before noon from Charlottetown. A few
flurries were falling here and there on the way but the roads were
clear. I was happy to celebrate the Holy Eucharist last evening in
Charlottetown and to bless one by one all the people who were present.

In my prayer early this morning, I was with Jesus who spoke to me
saying, "Melvin, my brother, I love you. I bring you this morning to the
Upper Room in Jerusalem where I ate the Last Supper with my Apostles.
It was the evening before my Passion and death on the cross. It was
during this meal that I instituted the Holy Eucharist by changing the
bread and wine into my very Body and Blood. I gave the Eucharist to my
Apostles to eat and drink. I also made them priests by giving them the
command: "Do this in memory of me." The Apostles truly ate my Body and
my Blood as I had taught them. My dear friends, unless you eat my Body
and drink my Blood you do not have life in you. I urge you to receive
the Eucharist often for I am truly alive in the Eucharist as the Risen
One in my humanity and divinity. I am your food for the journey that
leads you to heaven. Come with devotion to receive me in Holy Communion
and I will live in your heart. I want to make my home in you. The
Eucharist is my gift to you. Live in me and I will live in you. I bless

As I was present there in spirit at the Upper Room in Jerusalem, the
memories of my visits to the place and the celebration of the Holy
Eucharist there all came back to me very vividly. Jesus teaches us again
this morning that He is truly present in the Eucharist as the Bible
teaches us especially in John 6. The Apostles truly ate His Body and
drank His Blood and we too at Holy Communion receive the Body and Blood
of the Risen Jesus into our hearts. What an awesome gift the Lord has
given us! Let us thank Him every day for the gift of the Holy Eucharist.
He wants to be our daily food for our journey towards Him.

I will host the first Small Christian Community of the Advent season
this evening. We will read the readings for next Sunday and share our
thoughts on them. We will also pray for you all. I wish all our American
friends a Happy Thanksgiving and I join you all in thanking God for all
the blessings He has given you.

Let us all thank the Lord too for the precious gift of the Holy
Father Melvin

TEL: (902) 882-2004
E-MAIL: melvin.doucette@pei.sympatico.ca
PILGRIMAGES:  http://www.giftstor.org/FrDoucettePilgrimage.html

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NOTE: FOR FOLLOWING SEND AN EMAIL TO 'RITA' AT:  pdoucet@nb.sympatico.ca

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