Message from Blessed Mother to a lady in Mo.
Joyce Lang
Nov 5, 2002

Lady from Mo. that has been asked by our Blessed Mother to remain little and hidden ( anonymous)..

No date was given for this message

Blessed Mother:

"My beloved children,

I am asking you to be brave in these very trying times. My Son and I will give the grace to be strong. So, my loved ones, be obedient, humble and live in the Truth, Jesus.

My heart aches for those priests who abandoned their obligation to the Truth and caused much damage to My Son's Church and His flock. More painful is the pride in which some continue to live, unwilling to step down in humility. I am speaking to them, but I find much resistance in their hearts. Still, they are much loved, in need of much prayer, so pray with Me, pray and pray. To My beloved priests who live in obedience, suffering, and enduring insults and shame, be not discouraged! Come, Jesus has given you to My motherly love. Take My hand and trust your Mother. My Son desires to renew the Church through you, to make you great saints, heroes of His Church. Come, you are blessed, we are in battle together, and the victory is ours. No evil can snatch My beloved from Me. Trust Jesus, trust in the love of your Mother, and pray and promote the Holy Rosary, the prayer of My life and of My Son."