>From: On This Mountain Healing Fellowship
>Subject: Messages
>Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 21:41:49 -0700 (PDT)
>Dear OTMHFers,
>My apologies for the delay in sending out the March 13, 2002 messages, for the delay in responding to e-mails, and for the delay in returning your calls. Been tied up with family emergencies.
>We will be at St. Mary's Catholic Church of Piscataway every 13th until further instructions from Jesus and Blessed Mother Mary.
>Below are the March 13, 2002, and March 31, 2002 messages. The March 29, 2002 and March 30 messages release are pending: waiting for the review/approval from Fr. Kirk.
>Genara and Jack are inviting us(OTMHFers) for dinner at their house after the service.
>Thank you for joining all of us in prayers.
>God bless you.
>March 13, 2002 Messages
>St. Marys Catholic Church of Piscataway
>Our Blessed Mother has been with us with Baby Jesus in her arms.
>She tells me, Carry my Son. Carry His burden. She hands me Baby Jesus.
>My spirit holds Baby Jesus. He raises His arms. He says, Carry My burden. Help Me.
>He becomes our Lord in His Most Sacred Heart. His Heart and our Mothers heart are glowing towards us.
>The angels are singing praising our Lord, glorifying His Name.
>Our Father in Heaven and our Lord the Holy Spirit are blessing us with Their lights.
>The angels are around Them, and below, around us. The saints are with the angels and
>are down with us. The archangels are behind our Lord and our Mother. Behind and around them are the holy men.
>The angels are playing their golden flute. They are blowing their golden trumpets. They are playing their golden harps. They are singing glorifying our Lord.
>Our Father says, I have given you My Son and His Mother. He has given you life. Listen to His words. Follow Him towards Me. Walk in His light ?? My hand is near the world ?. Come with My Son towards Me ??..
>The angels are singing, Sing with thanks in your hearts, children of the Lord. Sing with joy ??.. The angels are asking that we pray the Our Father.
>A golden dove comes down from our Lord the Holy Spirit. He stays above our Lord Jesus and our Blessed Mother. He lights all of us.
>The angels sing, Bow down your heads children of the Lord, for the Lord is before you. ??
>Our Lord Jesus is coming nearer to us. He is extending His arms to us. He says, I have loved you from the beginning. I love you now. I will love you through eternity. I will always love you. Come to Me. Come with Me to the Father. Come with Me to My Fathers place. Let Me hold you in My arms ??..
>He directs His light to us.
>He is coming towards us. He is in front of us. His feet are bleeding profusely.
> It is for the forgiveness of your sins, He says to us. ( Pilar sees the blood turn to clear water.)
>Our Lord is on the Cross.
> Look up to the Cross ??.., the angels sing.
>The lights from His head, from His chest, from His hands, from His feet, are lighting the world.
> I am the Life and the Resurrection, He says. Soon I will come to judge you ??
> Repent, repent, children of the Lord, for the Lord will soon come to judge you ?.. Come back to Him now, come back to Him, ??. the angels are singing.
>A bright golden Cross in the sky lights the world.
>The golden angels are carrying a brightly glowing golden ball (on a golden ark). I am told that It Is the Holy Host. The angels are bowing before it.
> When you take His Body and drink His Blood, His light will be in your hearts, in your souls forever, ??. they sing.
>Our Lord Jesus in golden light is coming to us. He is in front of us. He is in our midst. He is blessing us with the light from His hands. He is touching our heads. ( Pilar sees Him touch a little boy, Joseph. Jr..)
> I Am before you. I Am beside you. I Am behind you. I Am above you. I Am always with you ?? Feel the warmth of My Heart??.
>Our Lord Jesus is beside our Mother. Their hearts are glowing to us.
> Take My Body and drink My Blood and let My Light glow in you. ??..
> Let there be peace on earth, the angels sing.
>Below them, the world is shown. There is war, chaos, and destruction.
>(Jesus says,)
> Where there is no love, there is no peace. I have taught you love. Let there be only love in your hearts, in your minds, in your souls. I have given you love. My Father created you out of love. He gave Me to you out of His great love for you. I have died for you because I have loved you and will always love you ??. My Father willed it because of His love for you. My Father has given you love. Use His love ?.. Practice only love. Give only love to your brothers and sisters in Me ??..
> Let not hatred be in your hearts. Let not anger rule your lives. Man destroys himself. It is man who will destroy what My Father has created in this world ?..
> Without love there is no peace. ??..
>Our Lord holds our Mothers hand.
>He says, I have given you My Mother. Listen to her voice. Honor her in your hearts. She comes to bring you back to the Father through Me.
>The angels are singing praising our Lord. The angels are singing honoring our Mother.
>Our Mother is giving us a golden rosary. I am giving the rosary to you to pray every day. Ask your brothers and sisters to pray to the Lord. Pray my children, pray?.
>The angels are singing asking us to give thanks to God and to come back to Him.
>The saints are praying and singing to God. They are asking for God to have mercy on His children.
>Note: Pilar sees St. Michael the Archangel. He takes her to the Grotto*. He tells her , The Cross has to be here. She sees flocks of angels at the Grotto where the Cross is to be built. She gives her a personal message.
>* Last month, he also took her to the Grotto.
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