

Monday, May 13, is the feast of Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament and Our Lady of Fatima. Our Blessed Mother Mary has asked for prayers for
Priests  many times in her apparitions. Unless we have Priests we cannot have Jesus in  the Most Blessed Sacrament!  Join us, and countless 
others, around the world  in praying for Priests on Monday. Please offer your Mass, Communion, Holy  Hour and Rosary for Priests, Bishops, Cardinals, and 
our Holy Father. Let us  pray especially for those who need conversion, healing and God's mercy the  most, and ask Our Lady to pray too.

Saturday, Eve of Mother's Day: On the love of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, Jose Guadalupe Trevino  writes, "Love watches.  A mother 
prolongs her watches by her baby's cradle  till late at night.  After lulling him to sleep, she continues her vigil, all  the while covering his soul with 
her silent prayers and, with anxious  concern, thinking of his future no less obscure than the night around the  house.  Jesus cannot permit even one
mother to surpass Him in love and tender  solicitude.  At night, when His children are resting in sleep, He watches  over them, covers them with 
His prayers, and protects them, 'as a hen gathers  her young under her wings.'"

Sunday, Eve of Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament and Our Lady of Fatima:

"Our Blessed Mother's first of six apparitions to the three children at Fatima was on May 13, the feast of Our Lady of the Most Blessed 
She asked the children to fall on their knees and pray: "O Most Holy Trinity,  I adore you.  My God, my God, I love you in the Most Blessed
Sacrament!"  Her  urgent messages underscored the need of conversion, prayer, and penance for  our world.  She asked for greater devotion to 
the Eucharist in Mass,  Communion, and Adoration.  Our Mother also asked for devotion to her  Immaculate Heart and prayers of reparation, especially 
the Rosary.  She  emphasized that if her requests were heeded there would be world peace, if  not there would be large scale apostasy from the 
Church and worldwide  disaster!  Our Lady requested that a Chapel be built at Fatima for adoration  and prayer to her Eucharistic Son.  Join in the
'uninterrupted chorus' that  Our Lady and our Holy Father have asked for, start Perpetual Eucharistic  Adoration in your parish today!"

(From our May newsletter.  
The entire text  may be viewed at the Newsletters section of our website at )