Message to Sharon Fitzpatrick- October 20, 2001
Prayer Group Rosary . Wednesdays 7:00 P.m. . Sundays 3:00 P.m.

Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto (Behind Hospital) Pana, Il

Message from Heaven

Sharon Fitzpatrick-locutionist

Saturday, October 20, 2001 - Core Group Praying

My Precious Little Children, I Greet You in That Special Place in My 
In Fact I Meet You at the Threshold of this Place of Reserve, That I 
You There. I Have Arranged for this Meeting Because You Will Need the 
I Am about to Give You.

As the World Continues on It's Course of Devastation You Will See and 
Most Dreadful Things. Evil Will Be Evident to All, but God, Who Is All 
Will Still Remain Dormant in the Hearts of Many. There Will Be Fear and
Anxiety, and the Disbelief Will Overwhelm You. Your Hearts Are Filled 
the Truth, and Those Who Do Not Believe Will Turn Away, Wanting People 
Positions, Those Who Are Prominent, to Bring Them Hope and Comfort. But 
Hope and Comfort Can Come Only from God and They Will Not Let Him 
Respond in
Their Hearts. You must Remain in Confidence, Knowing That Your Peace 
and Joy
Are the Flame of the Light You Carry.

The Days Approach When More and More, Those Priests Who Scorn You, Who 
Not Accept You, Will Come to See Your Purpose. They Too See You as
Unimportant and Certainly of No Use to the World. I Say to You and to 
it Will Be You Who Are the Littlest, the Humble Who Stretch out Their 
to Those Who Once They Found Repulsive. My Priest-sons Who Have Been
Strategically Placed Will Be the First to Draw Close to You. Then as 
Realize That I Am Doing the Will of the Father Through You, They Will
Influence Others -- Their Brothers and it Will Then Be as God Planned. 
and Fear Are the Culprits Amongst My Sons, but the Pride Will Vanish 
and the
Fear Diminished as Each Day Draws Us Closer to the Day of Mercy.

For You, Little Ones, I Desire That You Do Not Become Infested with 
Pity, or Dependence on Mere Humans. Humans Have Weaknesses and Flaws, 
but I
Do Not. Therefore, When God the Father Directs Me in His Work, it Is 
Perfectly. You Who Were Chosen for Leadership Have a Heavy Burden. Much 
and Will Be Placed on Your Shoulders. It Will Be Heavy and Weigh on 
You, but
it Shall All Be a Joy. Your Hearts Will Soar to Heights Unknown and 
Tears Will Be Tears of Joy as You Proceed and Persevere for the Glory 
God. It Is Your Work Now to Encourage All in Unity to Remain Firm in 
and in the Truth. From the Truth Shall Emerge the New Heavens and the 
Earth. Oh How Glorious it Will Be as You Procure for the World this New 
Many Will Look at You in Disbelief, Some Even Now Turn Away, but Your 
Is Not to Have the Blessing of the World, but to Have the Blessing of 
God --
and I Am Here to Assure You of This.

Now Understand, That What I Say to You Today Is Needed, Especially in 
Days Upcoming. I Have Taken You to That Place of Reserve in My Heart, 
Separate You from the World and to Give You What Is Needed for Your 
Trust That What You Receive Is Beyond Words and Beyond Your 
Yet What You Receive Is Known in Heaven and You Are Known There Because 

With the Love of this Mother, So Deep, So Pure, I Give My Blessing. I 
That this Blessing Reach Deep into Your Hearts and into Your Souls and 
So I
Do it in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Rely on Me Always, in All Circumstances. It Will Be this Mother That 
Take You Through All Difficulties and Bring You to the Joy You Have So 

Give Praise to God. Thank Him -- He Has Instilled in You a Light and it
Shall Shine in All Darkness.

Praise Be to God Now and Forever

Info. Sharon Fitzpatrick-Locutionist for "Message From Heaven" and 

The Pana Rosary group formed in June 1988. While on a group trip to 
Texas, Sharon got her first message. Sharon is a lady in her 50's and 
mother of 8 children. She started receiving words from the Blessed 
Mother in
1988. At first she would hear only a few words each time. Then the 
became more of a message. She would hear these words while praying the
rosary or in adoration. The group pray the 15 decades of the rosary, 
the Divine Mercy Chaplet as well as other prayers given to them by the
Blessed Mother. The Blessed Mother comes to them most always during the
"visitation" mystery of the rosary.

Sharon's husband, Fred, is in full support of her work for Our Blessed

The Blessed Mother has kept the group unknown to the world in order to
prepare them for the work that, The Father, has chosen for them.. Then
around 1994, the Blessed Mother started gathering other groups and
individuals together with them to form "the unity". The Blessed Mother 
this "the remnant, spoken of in the scriptures" and has told us she 
will be
with us until, the new heavens and the new earth. She also has told us 
she now has her children united from north to south, from east to west,
around the world. She said that all who come to the grotto, come at Her

The group pray faithfully, every Wednesday evening and Sunday afternoon 
are usually at the grotto each night of a novena. Rain, sun, snow, they
pray, they pray.

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