FRIDAY MAY 24th, 2002

Residence in Elburn, Illinois - Mary speaks The following message was received approximately 3:30 a.m. while being awakened from sleep. I came out to the family room and picked up my rosary. The message was heard and was written down as instructed. As with all messages we urge you to pray to the Holy Spirit for discernment. Included are bits and pieces of the "personal" message, given so that you may pray and determine for yourself its meaning. (Mary) "Come, My children, to find refreshment for your soul. This is a place of Our choosing where each shall learn to discipline himself by not only hearing Our words, but by living them .. .for it is by truly living in the Word and Will of God that one becomes a true child of God obedient .loving .often denying oneself for the greater good of others. Oh, chosen little ones who carry your cross with joyful resignation you radiate as tiny lights sparkling throughout your world. If I were to make a comparison, it would be what you see as you glance at the stars ..scattered across a vast darkened sky. We see a world of souls with small but visible flames illuminating each soul which tries ..even with all its faults ..to cling to Jesus and the promise of His Mercy. Pray pray .pray the Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, which My Son requests. Even the most frightened sinful soul will find compassion and peace ..as he trustingly calls upon the Mercy of God. Bring all the wounded hearts to the Fountain of Divine Mercy . .for the rays of light emanating from My Son are a spiritual laser of healing ..leaving no scars ..only complete trust in His unfathomable loving Mercy. As you place yourselves spiritually before My Son in adoration you receive many graces ..for your prayers become endowed with rays of reflective love. As you adore Him, He in turn calls upon your soul to look upon others with a compassionate heart denying self to bring others into the Kingdom of God. One soul, My children one precious soul .would you not do all within your power to help save just one soul? Pray and persevere for the Glory of God .if not out of duty than for love and love alone!" Long personal message afterwards in which She said many things. "Do not be surprised or disappointed with what shall transpire. God's plans are flawless ..meant only for the good of His children ..accept them as such and you shall lead holy productive lives. My hand shall guide you as you venture forth with great confidence in Our love. A fine tuned instrument you shall become .nurtured by the goodness of God." (Tongues) (She continued there would be many healings .many conversion and much hope.) " Trust in God will increase as lives become centered in prayer. Much work is ahead ..for each of your lives will change .attitudes towards each other require immediate attention .pray pray pray and forgive so that the healing power of God may flow unrestrained .from His vessels of love." A blessing was given. Visual: Saw in the Heavens a huge hand from which came a tremendous waterfall glistening lights falling upon the earth broken vessels (souls) being mended to hold the graces God is pouring out. Graces to be used not stored as grain (to spoil and lose its nourishment).


Mary speaks The following message was received during the Friday night Canyon Rosary at Mary's Knoll and has been transcribed from the audio recording. As with all messages, we urge you to pray to the Holy Spirit for discernment as you read the following. (Mary) "My dear children, During these times of My visitations, I have patiently sought to reawaken you to the love of God. The infant as it comes into the world is still strongly bonded to God. But through time you My children, become distracted losing your way. There is no interest in pursuing God .you instead, chose to pursue paths leading to destruction. (our Lady sounded very sad) It is God who continuously pursues you to bring you back. You are like His prodigal child He awaits you ..to share in His glory the inheritance of eternity in the light of God's love. The many graces being poured out during these times are a sign of the warmth of God's love. Those who choose to absorb these graces .live without fear in the Will of God. You are children of God ..created in His image. He calls you. Love, for your world cannot heal without love and forgiveness. Relationships are broken .there is no attempt to seek God's healing. How sad My children how sad (said with much expression) that families .the core of love, struggle to love and forgive. How can peace come about when families cannot heal? Poor children .do you not understand? (Tongues) .. I ask you to become a simple sponge a sponge that absorbs water and when completely filled is rung out ready to be refilled once again. I ask you to be a sponge of God's love and mercy who at His command, you will stand ready to be emptied out that He may refill you with prayerful graces. Oh, My children, You who hear My words remember them .for the time soon comes that your strength will lie in My words. If you have not heeded them ..it will be as the sand upon the seashore that once the water comes ..you are taken out with the tide .lost, but if you listen carefully to My teachings .your strength is and will be in God. He will always stand beside you .forming you into the rock which shall never be broken. It will stand in strength and in love .as God wishes each of His children to stand in strength and love. I bring you peace and a gentle reminder .that time is of the essence. In Their will to love (references the spiritual world) and the power in willing to love is such ...that in terms of your world ..you would not understand, or to love as Jesus loves. What a weapon you have, My children ..if only you would forget yourselves ..and love unconditionally ..with no expectations but complete trust in God. I bless you and encourage you ..My dear, dear children." Visual: (Pat) "I see a rocky coast ..the waters splashing against the rocks ..as though a storm is covering them ..the waters recede, but the rocks remain. (I hear) We are the rocks rooted in Jesus .the waters are the trials, the temptations that strike at us every day of our lives, and yet we shall remain strong ..for Jesus is always with us!"

Patricia is a convert Pat began receiving messages from our Blessed Mother and Jesus in 1997. Our lady has told us that this is a holy mountain protected by St Michale the Arc Angel who always accompanies our Blessed Mother when she comes. Our Lady has said there would be many miracles , healings and conversions on this holy mountain. A statue of St. Philomena was donated in 1998 and Father Giovanni Braschi the care taker of her relics in Mugnano Italy has made the Shrine a St. Philomena Center also.

Web site: http://www.ourladyofthesierras.org/