Message to Gianna Sullivan August 5, 2002
Joyce Lang
Nov 25, 2002

Our Lady's Message
for August 5, 2002
through Gianna Talone Sullivan

My dear little children, praise be Jesus! Little children, darkness can be overcome only through the Light of Love. There is no other way to silence evil and defeat it except through the Light of Love. There are two choices in life and they are to either love or not to love. When each soul goes before the Father, it will be asked the same question, 'how have you loved'? Peace can exist even though the violence of crime, dissension, and hatred seem so prevalent. Peace can exist, but it can only exist through the love of neighbor. To 'love' and to 'like' someone are two different entities. You are all called to love one another even though you may not like someone. My Son is Love. He loves each one of you and He desires you to live in a world of peace and unity. He desires each one of you to live in eternal peace with Him in glory. The choice is yours. It is best not to try to defend your reasons for avoiding one another and not loving. The only way to know yourself and God is to love yourself and your neighbor. Peace can exist and darkness can be overcome through the rays of the Light of Love. I love you, little ones, as your heavenly Mother who seeks to intercede on your behalf to Jesus. Thank you for responding to my call.


Let us pray:

(Kneel before our Blessed Mother, look into Her eyes, pray slowly and from your heart.)

Dear Mother, please, please obtain for me the difficult virtue of generous and unconditional love for my enemies, love for those who dislike me, for those I dislike, for those who hate me, harm me, misunderstand me, for those who annoy me, mistreat me, and for those who are not likeable. Please give me Jesus Heart; give me Your heart; remove any resentment from my mind; help me remain calm and smile at the adversities so that, with my sacrificial Love of Light, I may help dispel the darkness of sin and division in the world. Amen.

( Say this prayer when you feel hurt. Fr. J.B.W.)