Louise began to receive a message from Abba Father and said, "Jesus please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood".

Then our Beloved Father said, "Children, where is your gratitude? You are a generation that lives for and expects the easy life. You desire, you demand, high wages for the convenience of pushing buttons and the machine doing the work, the calculating. A piece of man-made, electronic machinery thinks for you. You are wasting your brains, your talents, your God-given gifts. You are lazy! The little children no longer play in the great and glorious outdoors. They too have been taught to sit in front of the television, play ?? electronic games, elude all exercise and make few friends. The baby-sitter of today is a machine, not family. People of all ages--young and old--your brains are vegetating. You do not use your minds, brains or bodies. You seldom interact with family and have few friends. Much evil and little good can come from such a life. If your electric fails, you are at a total loss. You cannot provide the basic necessities. Well, the time is upon you when you better return to God and nature! First, prepare. Follow ALL My instructions both past and present. The simple life, the humble life must return. The earth, its air and water must, once again, become pure.

When this happens, many illnesses will vanish. Give up, as much as possible, prepared foods, chemical beverages, all toxic drinks, drugs, and beware of certain medications. Read all labels. Cook at home. Bake at home. Spend your time at home. Enjoy all I have given you. Learn to live and to be grateful for all nature provides free from chemicals and toxins. Depend on Me---NOT alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or present day technology. TRUST IN ME! RETURN TO ME! Become one with Me, one with your family, one with mankind. Respect ALL creation, all creatures. See My loving, magnificent works, all given to you through My love for all, and give Me thanks daily, hourly, each minute of your day. All thanks and all praise belong to your God, Creator of Heaven and earth and of all that seen or unseen. Love and honor your God for His majestic gifts :all creation. I created all from nothing. All belongs to Me. I alone have power over life and death.

I can and I soon will destroy all mechanical, technical, electric man-made devices that are being used to destroy minds, life, nature, the atmosphere and replace Me by man's pride through his accomplishments. I WILL use electricity to destroy---lightening, high winds, tornadoes, hurricanes, heavy snow and pounding rain. I WILL make all mankind, once again, depend on Me alone. I will deprive you of man-made evils and bless you, teach you again how to live off the ' the good earth'. All I have given you, all the graces I have lavished on you are enough to sustain your body, mind and soul. Man WILL NOW RETURN to his God. You will be dependent on Me alone. You will live in community---loving, assisting, caring, teaching one another. You will become a family and love and respect will reign in all hearts. The lion and the lamb will lie together. Peace and love will live in all. Pray for My Will to quickly return to earth and to possess, freely, the lives of men of all nations. Love brings peace! Peace is living love. Live on in My Love."

(End of Message)

Louise Starr Tomkiel is a Roman Catholic in good standing who has been receiving messages and visions since 1977. She has a married daughter and two granchildren. Louise also has two deceased sons. She resides in Levittown, Pennsylvania, and is a member of Our Lady of Fatima Light of the World Prayer Cenacle in nearby Bensalem, Pa. Louise has a Spiritual Director for over twenty years and he is an Oblate of St. Francis De Sales, as well as a local S.D. Web site for Louise: Tomkiel is: