DO NOT BELIEVE EVIL!  DO NOT ACCEPT SATAN'S DEATH CULTURE!  Accept and believe that life is everlasting.  Your soul NEVER dies!!!  Today--consecrate yourself to your God and Savior of Mercy and Love.  Accept only My 'Sign' on your forehead.  Let all of Heaven lead you.  I have you, My dearest remnant soul, in the palm of My Hand.
Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J , November 2, 2002- (10:40 a.m.)

Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "By means of extortion you will soon use the EZ pass, Speed pass, Smart card for travel, food, clothing, gas, all necessities.  All your credit or charge cards will be replaced with new cards.  Insurance for health, home, travel, vehicle; all cards will be replaced.  This is Marital Law in its early stages.  If you choose to keep your present cards, they will be of no value.  What follows is the implanted chip IN YOUR PERSON (BODY).

Freedom will now delude you as tyrants of Satan rule.  Many churches, especially Mine, will be forced to close and Holy Mass will go underground.  It will be very difficult to hear Mass or to receive My precious and much needed Sacraments, especially the Eucharist.

No one will buy or sell without Satan's chip.  YOU MUST BE TOTALLY PREPARED IN EVERY WAY I HAVE INSTRUCTED YOU!!!  Money will be of no value without said chip.  But, the chip is your one-way ticket to Hell!!!  DO NOT ACCEPT IT!!!  TRUST IN ME!!!  I will supply the needs of My tiny remnant.  Do as I have instructed you and I will never leave you destitute.  Obey!  Keep hope in your heart.  Do not fear but have faith and believe.

All My signs are quickening and strengthening daily.  Satan is My adversary and yours.  He will lie and promise, only to destroy you and all My creatures/creation.  He is sowing seeds of evil and death in your heart.  His is the culture of death, eternal death and damnation.  DO NOT BELIEVE EVIL!  DO NOT ACCEPT SATAN'S DEATH CULTURE!  Accept and believe that life is everlasting.  Your soul NEVER dies!!!  Today--consecrate yourself to your God and Savior of Mercy and Love.  Accept only My 'Sign' on your forehead.  Let all of Heaven lead you.  I have you, My dearest remnant soul, in the palm of My Hand."

End of message.