Your minutes are counted, dear children. Time is short. Eternity means without end; forever.  Blessings from Heaven your mother, Mary.
Message to Louise Tomkiel from Blessed Mother- November 5, 2002 – 12:40 P.M.
Joyce Lang

Nov 5, 2002

Louise began to receive a message from Blessed Mother and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then our Blessed Mother spoke, "Dear Children of my motherly heart and your daddy's (Joseph) fatherly heart; far too many of you chose your own way. You disregarded the Words of God your Father, Jesus your Savior and Our Holy Spirit who gives all life. You decided to ignore all the words and warnings from Heaven. The Hand of God will now fall heavily upon your country and the whole world where sin is prevalent. An earth-shaking catastrophe will soon destroy thousands of acres the world over. Many, very many, lives will be lost. Suffering will be severe. Far too many of our children choose death over life.

In the immediate future, you will have very, very limited travel. Even planes, trains, buses and ships will demand a travel pass or you do not board. The evil one will have his way and God will punish.

God is your Father and you will not listen or obey. Now, as never before since the creation of human life, suffering, destruction, hate, control, death will escalate. Man will have his way until God steps in and the Great Chastisement takes place.

Very, very, very few will be included in His beloved remnant. How sad it is for God, your Creator and Father, to lose the majority of His children.
Joseph and I (Mary) feel so much pain and lose too, for we are also your parents. Your Heavenly family loves you but you think you do not need us.

As time ticks on and sin daily increases, God's just anger falls to earth. One day soon your earth will shake and rock for it will fall from its axis. What fear will fill your hearts at this event.

Time is running out but God in His great Mercy and Love gives you time and innumerable opportunities to convert. You can save your soul if you decide on God, My Son Jesus. Come to Joseph and to me, your dad and mother. We will lead you, guide you, assist you. We love each and every one of our children.

Your minutes are counted, dear children. Time is short. Eternity means without end; forever.

Blessings from Heaven your mother, Mary.”

End of message.


Louise Starr Tomkiel is a Roman Catholic in good standing who has been receiving messages and visions since 1977. She has a married daughter and two granchildren. Louise also has two deceased sons. She resides in Levittown, Pennsylvania, and is a member of Our Lady of Fatima Light of the World Prayer Cenacle in nearby Bensalem, Pa. Louise has a Spiritual Director for over twenty years and he is an Oblate of St. Francis De Sales, as well as a local S.D.