Hurry, dear children, for God's great and might wrath is quickly falling and no one can restrain His mighty arm a moment longer. Run to us, Joseph and me, as Jesus did for protection
Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J October 8, 2002---9:00 A.M.
Joyce Lang
Oct 8, 2002

Louise began to receive a message from our Blessed Mother and said, " Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then our Blessed Mother said: "What you see my daughter is many large buildings made to be obscure from the human eye and placed in remote areas. Some are even in or near large cities blending with the architecture. All contain ready-to-use bombs of germs, insects and deadly explosives. One move from the enemy could annihilate hundreds of miles, killing life, polluting water and air that will travel around the earth.

Each building is a unique structure. Some are pick-up and delivery areas for nuclear waste and other toxins. Unmarked trucks and trains come and go constantly. If one is in an accident, a complete area would be evacuated.

Why am I allowing you to see this, my daughter? Certainly not to frighten you but to make you, and all my children, aware of Satan's intent to kill, to destroy to conquer.

You see men so puffed-up with pride and so hungry with love for power and money. They have absolutely no love or concern for anyone or anything but self-fulfillment at any cost. These are Godless men who have freely given their souls, their lives to Satan.

My child, all of Heaven cries tears and tears of blood flow from my eyes, the eyes of my Divine Son, Jesus and our beloved St. Joseph. We have furrows under Our eyes from all the tears shed for Our sinful little ones.

We beg for much prayer but it's the same devoted, loving children who constantly respond to Our plea. My heart is broken as is my dear husband's, Joseph, for Jesus, your Messiah, Redeemer, Savior came to all mankind through me with Joseph as His father: a true reflection of Our Father, God. We knew, I saw, all that Jesus did for you. Now, you reject Him. His agony and ours continues daily, without end.

We see the beautiful earth our Father created being destroyed by the very people He created and laid down His life for. We see all the 'turn-coats' down through the centuries to the end of time. These are all our children. They have left the Father's Love, discard His Mercy, disobey His Commands and seek only self-pleasures, pride, and control---living hate in a heart without compassion, love, peace----a truly Godless existence.

I see our Father's Mercy, Love, patience but I also, see His justice, anger; His desire to convert all people, all His fallen children. His love is mocked. His commands are rejected. His Mercy is scoffed at. I see His great Hour of Mercy turning to a time of justice and punishment. I hear Him begging Our children to return and I see His Love still being poured out to all aiding you to turn from sin.

I see your sins that killed my Son Jesus. You are my children--- all.
Please dear ones, listen to your mother's plea. Return to my Son. Accept His forgiveness of your sins. Please convert. Please repent. Please love. Dry Our rivers of tears. Heal Our broken hearts. Be humble as Jesus and Joseph and I are humble. Be obedient to the Will of God and find complete joy and happiness in your hearts and in your lives.

Please, please listen to your mother and His. Don't choose to lose your immortal soul. Forever is forever---no end. Return. Break down all barriers of hate between nations, families and races for you are all created by the same God. You are all brothers and sisters. Be one big family under God, protected under my mantle and by Joseph who protected Jesus and me.

Hurry, dear children, for God's great and might wrath is quickly falling and no one can restrain His mighty arm a moment longer. Run to us, Joseph and me, as Jesus did for protection.

Oh, if you could see the devastating destruction headed your way. Oh, for the day---not far off---when you see your souls, your sins, as God does. Children, don't wait until this day arrives. Return to the fold today. Let the Great Shepherd, my Son, carry you back to the flock (remnant). No longer be the lost sheep, the prodigal.
You are so loved. You are greatly missed. Let Us hear your voice in prayer and true contrition. Please, please answer your mother's request.

I send the blessings of Father, Son and Spirit, with love from Joseph and me, to each one of our children."

(End of message)


Louise Starr Tomkiel is a Roman Catholic in good standing who has been receiving messages and visions since 1977. She has a married daughter and two granchildren. Louise also has two deceased sons. She resides in Levittown, Pennsylvania, and is a member of Our Lady of Fatima Light of the World Prayer Cenacle in nearby Bensalem, Pa. Louise has a Spiritual Director for over twenty years and he is an Oblate of St. Francis De Sales, as well as a local S.D.