Louise began to receive a message from our Merciful, Loving Jesus and said, " Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said. " Because of sin and peoples lack of repentance, your entire earth is on the brink of a great disaster. Fires will increase. Many will be caused by lightening, some by man's carelessness, some by bombs. Scripture tells you that a great portion of the earth will be destroyed by fire.

You people are so bullheaded, so self-assured, that you do exactly as you please.

You take My Word and change it to suit your desires. I've told you ' My Word is the same yesterday, today AND forever.' To add to or take away from My Word IS A GRAVE SIN.

Soon the entire earth will be consumed with various types of punishments, sent by God Our Father, to cleanse all from sin.

You will witness suffering as you've NEVER SEEN BEFORE.

The Great Flood cannot compare to what is to come. It has, in fact; begun.

God, in His great Mercy and Love, will give you the Grace to see your own soul and all your sins. At this time you can choose to repent or to remain in Satan's clutches. God will also place a 'great sign', for all the world to see, in the Heavens.

His just anger will very, very soon, be abated.

We, in Heaven, have sent warnings for years. Today we speak through many messengers yet, YOU DO NOT LISTEN, CHANGE, REPENT, OBEY. Sin has about reached its full magnitude.

The Father's mighty arm will fall and the entire earth will rock with His just anger. After all We have done for you and continue to do for you daily, you live your lives in grave sin, throwing God and His Word to the winds.

You will do it your way but a great catastrophe is about to happen. Very few will be prepared even though I have reached out to ALL people on earth.

A great annihilation, from many various causes, is about to strike each and every country on earth.


You are being warned by the loving, sorrowful voices from Heaven. You are about to fall from the precipice into a mighty war; a GREAT AND MIGHTY WAR AS NEVER SEEN BEFORE .

Won't you listen to Me and to My Mother's many warnings? Today's messengers are repeating and elaborating on all we've stated at Fatima, Akita, Lourdes and other sites around the world.

I, your God, warn you in Holy Scripture.

The earth and all of nature is apprehensive. Heaven's voices continually are raised in prayer.

My believing, tiny, faithful remnant is in constant prayer.

Souls MUST BE CONVERTED! The Words of God are true.

All will happen as stated by Me or through Me.

An ocean of fire will descend upon areas designated by Our Father. God is Merciful but Just.

As His Mercy, Love and Grace have their hours on earth for all people so too, will His Divine Justice reign.

Purification is a MUST before I, your Jesus, can return but I am with you always in the Blessed Sacrament---the Eucharist. Pay me homage. Give Me love. Respect your Savior. Return to Me with your whole heart.


I will NEVER lose one of My own. Little, loving faithful remnant: allow Me to use each of you in a special way to aid more poor souls, helping them to return to Me. 

Ask for Our Holy Spirit to descend daily upon you, to lead you, strengthen you, direct you and assist you in these turbulent hours. {Revelations 22: 18-19, 10:7}

End of message.

Louise Starr Tomkiel is a Roman Catholic in good standing who has been receiving messages and visions since 1977. She has a married daughter and two granchildren. Louise also has two deceased sons. She resides in Levittown, Pennsylvania, and is a member of Our Lady of Fatima Light of the World Prayer Cenacle in nearby Bensalem, Pa. Louise has a Spiritual Director for over twenty years and he is an Oblate of St. Francis De Sales, as well as a local S.D. 

Web site for Louise: Tomkiel is: http://hia.net/giftstor/tomkiel02fst.htm