America: the present day Babylon! I have told you many times in the past that America is the most highly blessed country created by My Father.  Today, America is the most sinful country on earth.... THE TIME IS NOW!  Hear and obey Me or forever regret your decision.  I, your God, wait to hear from you.  Come to Me.
Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J ,  November 14, 2002- (12:25 p.m.)

Louise began to receive a message from Jesus, and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "America: the present day Babylon! I have told you many times in the past that America is the most highly blessed country created by My Father.  Today, America is the most sinful country on earth.  Your government, your people, even many in and of My Church and its leaders have turned from Me.  They make rules today stating that the Commands from their Father in Heaven are passe that they must live in present times.  But I tell you My Word is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

Those of you who change My Word, those of you who add or take away from My Word are committing grievous sin and your punishment will be forever. (Rev. 22:18)  You who are the leaders of My Church on earth have a grave responsibility to teach My people.  YOU ARE NOT LIVING YOUR VOWS OF OBEDIENCE TO YOUR GOD.  You are responsible for the souls that I have put in your care.

If you, my priest-sons, do not live your vows, do not teach my children, youare preparing your eternal destiny.  Many of you will cry out 'Lord, Lord!'

(Luke 6:46--Matthew 7:21-23) but I will not know you and I will cast you into the fires of hell.

My children are starving for love and for My Word.  The sins of USA have reached a crescendo and my punishment will fall upon all people.  Every sin imaginable is being committed in your country that was so gifted and founded by men of God.  You have cast Me out of your government, your schools, your families and even My Churches (Catholic Church), and you push My Holy Presence to the side of the altar, into closets, and into rooms.

I am the Lord your God!  I am to be honored, loved and adored at every moment of every day.  I must be first in your life; the love of your heart and front and center in My Churches.  I AM THE KING OF KINGS!  I AM THE LORD OF LORDS!  I AM GOD! (Rev. 17:14--1Tim. 6:15) I have given you many chances to return to Me but you refuse Me and are persistent in doing all things your way.  In the majority of hearts I no longer exist.  I am not thought of, I am not honored, I am not loved and you do not obey me.  Therefore, the Wrath of God will purge America (USA) until she is totally barren.  There will not be one stone upon the other.  (Luke 21:6--Matthew 24:2)  I will annihilate what was once the land of plenty and it will become known as the 'scourge of all nations.'

Very, very, very soon your stock market will crash.  Money will have no value.  If you do not take the 'mark of the beast' you will not buy or sell;  you will have nothing. (Rev. 13:16)  Adultery, in every form, is lived by My
children in every age group.  Killings, of all ages, are innumerable.  Children, your love for the material, your love for money, your self-love, your pride has made your country a Godless nation.(1 Tim.  6:10)

The Babylon of today will fall as did the Tower of Babel many thousands of years ago. (Rev. 14:8--17:5--18:2-3-10)  No longer will My Hand of Justice be restrained.  All I have told you, all that has happened in the past will now come true and many of you living today will see and feel My Great Chastisement.  My Mighty Arm and My Holy Angels will touch your country and your world as all the plagues I have spoken of take place in all four corners of the earth. (Rev.20:7-8, 15:1)

I will allow Satan and his cohorts to lay siege of all hearts who choose to follow him.  I will allow him to disrupt, to bring illness, insects and chemicals to the earth.   All this must happen before the Era of Peace which also must happen or occur before I come in glory. (Mark 14:29-30)  All must be fulfilled in the Father's Time.

You who love Me, follow Me, obey Me, you who are consecrated to Me I will protect from the evil snares of Satan.  Seek the gift of discernment for today there are many false prophets, false healers, false teachers and false
miracle workers in your midst. (1 John 4:1--1 Tim 4:1--2 Peter 2:1--Mark 13:22-23) You must ignore them and trust in Me.  I will give you strength and graces enough to live for today. (Matt. 6:34) Run to me!  Never leave Me!  I alone can save souls.  I alone am the Light that you must follow.  I alone have the words of eternal life.  I am your strength.  I am all Mercy and Love to those who choose Me.

Pray for your country.  Pray for its leaders.  Pray for your priests--My sons.

Pray for the terrorists among you that they will convert.  Pray for all sinners for I choose not to lose one of My own. (John 6:39) Pray without ceasing. (1 Thess. 5:17)  Act out your faith in daily life giving all praise and glory to God.

THE TIME IS NOW!  Hear and obey Me or forever regret your decision.  I, your God, wait to hear from you.  Come to Me."

End of message.

Note* LST: While preparing dinner one night about 15 years ago, I was startled when I heard a loud voice behind me say "America the Babylon."


Louise Starr Tomkiel is a Roman Catholic in good standing who has been receiving messages and visions since 1977. She has a married daughter and two granchildren. Louise also has two deceased sons. She resides in Levittown, Pennsylvania, and is a member of Our Lady of Fatima Light of the World Prayer Cenacle in nearby Bensalem, Pa. Louise has a Spiritual Director for over twenty years and he is an Oblate of St. Francis De Sales, as well as a local S.D.