Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood,"

Then Jesus said, " Children, you receive bills for ridiculously small amounts due for professional services rendered. You see the love and desire for money. Each professional already charges astronomical fees even for just a few minutes of their time. They bleed the patient, the insurance company, the poor suffering souls.

While many of you live in small, modest homes, these men and women live in large homes on sprawling grounds and own big cars, summer homes, boats or yachts and travel the world for vacations. Their children attend private schools and expensive universities. 

You, on the other hand, have small cars or used cars, take a few weeks off per year and your children attend local catholic or public schools. You take loans to put them through college. You struggle--they live high on my poor, sick, sparsely educated, working children. One day soon, I will put an end to this. Far too many professionals are expelling much needed money from My little ones. They have you in a corner--pay up or no help. 

They forget all talents, all gifts come from God. They steal from the poor. I love rich and poor alike but it is harder for a rich man to gain Heaven. 

He is the camel trying to go through the eye of the needle. His god is fame, fortune, pride, ego. He knows NOT true love, service, humility. Many lust for money and forget that they are to SERVE ALL PEOPLE!!! 

Beware of these cold, calloused people. They will rob you of all you have and then leave you on your own to eke out your living. 

Ah, but they must answer to Me and to Me they WILL answer. Unless these men and women wake up and sever My needy ones, one day soon, all will be taken from them. They will loose their money when the stock market crashes. Many will lose their own health. Many homes, boats, yachts. will be lost through storms, fire, wind, rain, and/or accidents. 

I, who am the Giver of All, Creator of All, God of All, ask all to give up their false god(s) and return to Me. 

The love of money will only lead you astray. Give of yourself, as I did and always will. Humble yourself and become as little children for it is the childlike, loving and giving souls that will reap a Heavenly reward.

(End of message)

Louise Starr Tomkiel is a Roman Catholic in good standing who has been receiving messages and visions since 1977. She has a married daughter and two granchildren. Louise also has two deceased sons. She resides in Levittown, Pennsylvania, and is a member of Our Lady of Fatima Light of the World Prayer Cenacle in nearby Bensalem, Pa. Louise has a Spiritual Director for over twenty years and he is an Oblate of St. Francis De Sales, as well as a local S.D.

Web site for Louise: Tomkiel is: