Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, " Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, " Sonar sounds perpetuated under the seas by man's technology will cause volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, earthquakes of great magnitude and floods. Many avalanches will occur and giant icebergs will break lose floating into the oceans melting as they float into warmer waters. Untold destruction is beginning to show its powerful force. No one will not see nature's angry power. ( caused by man OR God) The age of sin has about reached its peak. My anger will no longer be subsided. 

Man's punishment is far overdue, held back by the loving hand and heart of your Heavenly Mother Mary. No longer can she restrain the Divine Justice of God from falling upon earth's sinful souls. Man has committed himself to the love of material, earthly, ungodly life and its pleasures. The wicked and corrupt have infiltrated My Church, governments, businesses and family life. You have followed the downward path to perdition. 

Your only safe harbor today is to return to Me through prayer, repentance, consecration and the reception of My Sacraments. You are loved! You are forgiven through My life, death and resurrection. I poured out My Mercy for you before you were born. I saw your life and weaknesses. I gave you hope, love and strength. I gave you graces to assist you in each and every temptation. I gave My all for you. Yet, two thousand years later, you still reject Me. You still deny Me. You still abandon Me. You still cry 'Crucify Him'! 

I still await your return. I will always love you. Accept My Love and Mercy. Change your life style before it is to late (for you). Reject sin and evil while there is still time. Live love and follow Me. The way is easy. Your burdens will never exceed your strength. There is time to change your eternal fate. 

God punishment can be lessened if you, as individuals, will choose conversion and will obey the Will of God. The signs are upon you. You alone choose your fate. Look and see the turbulent signs that surround you. I will allow much disaster to happen in the hope that you will return to Me and decide on Me, your Lord of Mercy and Love, forever.

End of message.

* Note: from Mari: This morning early ( around 8:00 a.m.) ..., the 25th, on CNN message confirmed. They stated that our government believes that possibly the next attacks will come from under the ocean. Also, there were reported some earthquakes South of Alaska a huge 6.0..and New York had a 3.3..and probably some others...occurring. Louise Starr Tomkiel is a Roman Catholic in good standing who has been receiving messages and visions since 1977. She has a married daughter and two granchildren. Louise also has two deceased sons. She resides in Levittown, Pennsylvania, and is a member of Our Lady of Fatima Light of the World Prayer Cenacle in nearby Bensalem, Pa. Louise has a Spiritual Director for over twenty years and he is an Oblate of St. Francis De Sales, as well as a local S.D. 

Web site for Louise: Tomkiel is: