Prepare.  Live in prayer.  Live My Will  

 URGENT   Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J June 26, 2002- (6:50 A.M.)

Louise began to receive a message from the Most Holy and Blessed Trinity and then said, " Jesus, please
cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then our Blessed Triune God spoke, " We, your One Triune God, wish to warn you of events that are to come.  Europe will be shaken; the Mideast, flattened; Asia will be in turmoil; US will live in fear of terrorism; the
Americas will be shaken and flooded in various areas.  Destruction of many and various kinds will destroy much
of the earth.  Countries, cities and states will be annihilated due to disaster caused by God OR man.

Climates will change.  Chemicals will cause illnesses and even death.  Toxins will contaminate the air, earth and water.  Your skin will burn and blister.  Your eyes and mouth will be dry.  Diseases will spread like the wildfires.

Food, of any kind, will be scarce.  Water will be in demand.  The sky will darken and the sun will give no light.
The moon and stars will do the same.  The great tribulation will continue and destroy for a period of time set by
your God.

There will be plagues of insects sent to devour crops around the earth.  The stock market will crash leaving
many people destitute.  No one will be able to travel, buy or sell unless they sell their soul to Satan and accept
his mark.  The insertion of such chip will bring about severe skin rashes, illnesses and great suffering.  People
will wish to die only to remain alive and in great pain.

A great famine will be world wide.  Freezing weather in some areas and intense heat in others will cause suffering and death of all life.  No relief will be found.  There will be no place to hide from the wrath of God.

My Angels are stationed around the earth and the trumpets are heard on high.  Each has an assignment that
WILL be carried to completion at My command.  The great tribulation will cover the earth and all its inhabitants.  Fear  will be everywhere.  Hate will consume man's hearts.  People will blaspheme Me, their God for the majority will be under the control of the antichrist and will be worshiping its image.

My church will suffer from a great schism.  A false pope will soon lead you, taking the Chair of Peter after I
remove My true son, John Paul II, from his present location.  Apostasy will reign.

The tiny remnant, who have chosen Me, I will protect.  I will mark you with My glorious sign sealing you to Me forever.  You will be cleansed, strengthened and lead to shelters I have prepared for you.  My Holy Angels will
lead you.  You will be safe from the demons.  You will have food and drink and the elements will not harm you.

Yes, dear children, this time is rapidly approaching.  Many laugh at these words, these warnings yet, they are
taken from Holy Scripture, the True Words of God.  All will be done according to His Word.  Because of Our
tiny remnant, My Church, and My Church alone, will survive.  The Gates of Hell will NOT prevail against it.

Prepare.  Live in prayer.  Live My Will.  One day there will be a new heaven and a new earth.  All sin and evil
will be destroyed and eliminated forever.  Peace, love, joy and happiness will be yours eternally.  Be patient for
a little while yet.  All I said WILL BE!

(End of message)

Louise Starr Tomkiel is a Roman Catholic in good standing who has been receiving messages and visions since 1977. She has a married daughter and two granchildren. Louise also has two deceased sons. She resides in Levittown, Pennsylvania, and is a member of Our Lady of Fatima Light of the World Prayer Cenacle in nearby Bensalem, Pa. Louise has a Spiritual Director for over twenty years and he is an Oblate of St. Francis De Sales, as well as a local S.D.

Web site for Louise: Tomkiel is: