Former Fireman and a Padre Pio Miracle

From the mailbag:


 [Below is one of the more remarkable letters we've recently received, 
testimony that is long but chock full of miracles. It comes from 
Anthony M.
Fuina, a former New York City fireman who lives on Long Island. Even 
we're in a trend of shortening stories, we're reprinting this in its

It all began on February 18, 1997, when I was diagnosed as having a 
tumor that had to be removed from my colon in stages because of its 
size. On
March 5, 1997, my doctor surgically removed one half of the tumor, and 
biopsy was taken.  I was told that the results of such biopsy would be
available on Friday, March 7, 1997 and they would call me.  I 
waited and waited for the results on that day.  The waiting felt like 
eternity.  I began to worry and became very concerned.  Suddenly, I 
heard a
noise at the front door.  I went downstairs and found a package on the
stoop.  I opened this package and found a note and a beautiful statue 
of an
angel with patches on her wings and dress.  The note was addressed to 
wife for her birthday from our niece, Jo Ann.

When I picked up this figure, I felt immediate warmth and a closeness 
that I
cannot describe and I took possession of it.  This angel could not have 
at a more opportune time.  I will call this angel Victoria, since I was 
from a woman who prayed to find out for me that Victoria is the name of 
guardian angel and also the name of my deceased sister-in-law, who was
always like an angel to me.  She is deceased but lives on as my 
angel.  I knew that good things were to come.  I prayed to this 
angel to see me through these trying times, and prayed that I would 
positive news with my biopsy report.

Suddenly, the telephone phone rang, my heart started to beat faster and
faster.  I anxiously picked up the phone, but the voice on the other 
was not the doctor.  It was my real estate agent asking for me to bring 
keys to the house, so that she may show the house in ten or fifteen 
I said that I would and hoped that I did not miss the call from the 
while I was out on this errand.  I picked up the most beautiful angel 
put her in my pocket.

This was the beginning of a beautiful day ahead.  I continued on my 
and drove off down the road.  It was rainy that day.  The sky was 
with clouds and the ground was wet.  As I approached the traffic light 
Merrick Rd and Hicksville Rd., I saw a figure waving to me from the
distance.  As I waited for the light to change this man approached my 
and begged me, "Please! Give me a lift to Jerusalem Ave. and Hicksville 
by the Tabernacle Church and Maria Regina Church."  He said that he had 
waiting all morning for a lift.  It was now early afternoon!

I never pick up strange hitchhikers, but some miraculous, overpowering
feeling came over me, and I told this bearded man, dressed in a white 
uniform, to get in and that I would take him.  Unfortunately, it was 
to make me really late for my appointment, but that did not seem to 
to me anymore.  I felt an immediate tie to this man for whom I did not 
As he sat in my car, he told me that I was a good man for putting aside 
appointment to take him to his destination.  He blessed me and thanked 
He then told me that he sensed I was troubled and worried over a 
that I had.  I was amazed at his assessment of me.  Again, I did not 
this man.  He had asked me what was bothering me, as if he already 
knew.  I
told him that I just had a surgical procedure done to remove a portion 
of a
tumor, and that I have been anxiously waiting all morning for the 
results of
the biopsy report.

I felt an overwhelming feeling of peace and calmness with this man 
next to me that was unbelievably beautiful.  He asked me if he could 
his hand on the area where I had my surgery and pray for me.  Of course 
did not mind, although, I was a little taken back by this most 
encounter.  I guided the man's hands to the area in question, as he 
his hand upon my side and he began praying in another language.  The
sensation that took over my body was so incredibly intense and 
that I felt the hairs stand from my flesh, as the chills ran down my 
I called out, " O My God, O My God I can not believe this, I can't wait
until I tell my wife.  I cannot believe this."  He continued to pray 
he was finished, and asked me, "What can't you believe?"  I told him 
hair on my body, including the hair on my head was standing; the 
that was piercing my body through his hand was unbelievable.

He told me, "You are healed! You are healed; the Holy Spirit has 
upon you!"

Once again I was getting jolted with this wonderful feeling that came 
me.  I anxiously asked,  "Who are you?  Who are you?"

He told me that he was a Servant of God.  I became speechless and 
When we reached our destination, he told me once again that I was 
and that I should go to various healing masses whenever I could to pray 
the sick and those who are in need.  As he got out of my car, he told 
me, "I
know now, why I waited all morning!  I was waiting for you!"  I could 
help but to think, who was this man?  I thanked him for his prayers and 
him to be careful as he crossed to the other side of the street.  He 
got to
the other side and waved good-bye.

The traffic light changed for me to proceed.  I tried to take one more
glance of this wonderful man that I had picked up, but as I looked he 
gone.  I made a right hand turn and continued to look for him through 
mirrors, hoping to catch another glance of this blessing, but he was 
Where could this man that I felt so much a part of gone?

I arrived late at the real estate office, with the key in my hand.  I
apologized for my lateness and told her a brief story of my amazing,
miraculous encounter.

At this point, I still felt the goose bumps and electricity piercing my
body.  She looked at me a little strangely, as I left the office in 
glory.  I resumed my journey back home with this continuing euphoria 
was to remain with me through out the day and into the night.  I could 
wait to tell my wife Barbara and my family.  When I arrived home, late 
afternoon, the call that I was waiting for finally came.  The biopsy 
was in and my doctor was happy to inform me that the tumor was benign
(negative), however, he still had to remove the remainder of the tumor 
April 10, 1997.  I thanked him for this great news.  I jumped for joy 
excitement with this wonderful news.  I reached into my pocket and took 
my angel, Victoria.  I am so lucky to have such an angel.  I thanked 
kissed this figure that I held in my hand, and told her thank you for
guiding me today to my newfound friend.  I felt the blessings I 
were all ready being answered.

When my wife and family arrived home, I could not wait to tell them all 
my day's events.  In fact, I wanted to tell the world.  My family was 
ecstatic with the happening of the day and could not believe what I was
telling them.  In fact they were in awe and looked at me strangely, but 
were happy at any event.  That evening when I went to bed, I awoke from 
pulling sensation, which felt like multiple tugs on the area of my 
procedure. My wife asked me what was the matter.  I told her of my
discomfort.  It was almost like someone was removing the rest of my 

April 10, 1997, had arrived, and it was time to remove the other half 
of my
tumor.  I made sure that I had my guardian angel, Victoria, in my 
pocket and
with me at all times.  My doctor began the procedure.  As he was 
looking in
my colon through the use of the television monitor and other surgical
instruments, he stated that the tumor was no longer there and that 
there was
nothing to remove. He wore a look of bewilderment on his face.  I began 
feel good things happening to me.  I could not help but to think of my
friend, whom I had picked up on that rainy day, saying, "You are 
healed, you
are healed, the Holy Spirit has entered upon you," I thanked God, my 
Victoria, and my newfound friend for all of my blessings.

 I was checked every three months, for the first year, and then every 
months following, and finally once a year the following year.  
on my third year of 2000, I developed a swallowing problem, completely
unrelated to my previous problem. I was diagnosed with esophagus cancer 
a biopsy report, which confirmed Dr. Ferrara's findings. He had called 
morning at approximately 8:00 AM to tell me of the bad news, which 
third stage esophagus cancer.  The cancer had broken through my 
wall and had spread to my lymph node.

The news was grim.  I was unaware that my daughter, Stacey, was 
listening in
on the other line, as we both picked up the phone together to answer 
call. I was unaware that she had heard this tragic news, of which I was 
planning to tell her at this time.  News had traveled fast and I felt 
would be in the best interest to tell the rest of the family the bad 
since I knew that they would sense that something was wrong and find 
anyhow, I hated this, but it had to be done, and we had to be strong.  
prayed to God for strength, for the sake of my daughter Darlene, who 
was to
be married the following week on May 19, 2000.  My daughter Stacey left 
go to work on the morning that she overheard my tragic news.  Needless 
say, she never made it to work, but instead went to church to pray for 
Once again my family was reliving this nightmare all over again.  Only 
time it was more threatening and risky.

Later in the evening at about 9:45PM my son, Michael, was praying to 
God in
his words, "Please let my Dad be OK.  Make him better.  Please give me 
sign that you're listening to my prayers."  He then felt a positive,
spiritual energy throughout his body in which he asked God to pass it
through him to his Dad.  "Let him know he will be OK."

At that precise moment my daughter Stacey came home at approximately 10 
She came downstairs and kissed me on the cheek and handed me a statue 
of the
Blessed Mother and said, "Dad this is for you".  As the tears began to 
in my eyes, "don't worry", she told me, "you are going to be OK."  She
handed me a wallet size card with a picture of a man with an 
inscription of
GUIDA I NOSTRI  PASSI".  I took one look at this picture and the
electricity, euphoria and warmth began piercing my body.  The tears 
began to
roll down my face, and I cried out, "where did you get this picture? 
did you get this picture? You must tell me! It is him! It's him." With 
rolling down my face and my daughter's, she asked me, "What is wrong?  
is it?"  I stated, "This is the man I picked up on Hicksville Rd.  This 
the man that blessed and prayed over me and told me I was healed, three
year's ago."

My daughter responded,  "Dad this man is deceased."

I told her that it was impossible.  I insisted, "This is the man that 
with me in my car. Stacey you must tell me, where you got this card?" 
told me that she did not go to work because she was quite upset.  
she went to church to pray for me, and then went to a religious store 
purchase the Blessed Mother.  She later went to pray for me at the
Pallazolos' home, a very religious, warm and loving family that she 
While she was there, she was given this wallet size picture of a man.  
had no idea who this man was, other than the fact that he was a 
priest by the name of Padre Pio who is a known healer.  I was 
instructed to
hold onto this picture at all times. I hugged and kissed my daughter 
thanked her for my gifts.  We both cried from all the emotions of this
overwhelming evening.   She told me that she would try to find out more
about Padre Pio.  I truly believe the sign that my son Michael had 
asked God
for, to assure me that everything was going to be all right, was given.  
found my long lost friend, who I had picked up three years ago!  YES!  
was PADRE PIO (the famous Italian mystic)!  He was there to help me 
and I know he is here to help me now.  Padre Pio is all around me.

The prayers from everyone began to pour in from all my family, friends,
priests and nuns. I received   Mass cards and get-well cards from 
Small children from my cousin Sr. Linda's first grade class prayed for 
every morning and crafted get well and prayer cards with their own 
hands.  The Knights of Columbus, Cardinal Mercier Assembly, of which I 
am a
member of the fourth degree and a Sir Knight of the Honor Guard, also
included me in their prayers.  The power of prayer enabled me to become 
and less afraid and I was beginning to accept the fact of my illness.

On May 19, 2000, my daughter Darlene was married.  We all remained 
for this blessed event.  We had a great and wonderful time, despite the
illness that lurked inside of me.  No one would have ever surmised that
anything was wrong with me, although a good portion of the guests were 
of my misfortune.  The fear of the unknown inside of me was 
frightening, but
Padre Pio guided my family and I through this wonderful blessed event 
of my
daughter's marriage and helped us all to be strong.

A few days later, I began chemo and radiation treatments.  The tears 
down my family's faces and our hearts pounded with fear everyday.  
Again, I
remained strong for the family but deep down inside I was really 
The prayers were coming from everyone, day in and day out.  My 
Stacey, had told the Palazzolo's of my jaw dropping reaction when she 
handed me the wallet size picture of Padre Pio [the greatest mystic of 
20th century, and a stigmatic Franciscan priest].  They invited the 
both of
us into their home for a blessing from a man, who himself, has 
experienced a
miracle of Padre Pio.  He is known to mediate and transform into the 
himself.  I sat in a silent room and received his blessing.  He placed 
crucifix in my hands; next he placed a medal of Padre Pio upon the 

I experienced the empowering feeling all over again, sending the chills
running down my spine once again.  Padre Pio was everywhere, in our
thoughts, in our prayers, and right beside me though the most difficult 
in my life.  I truly felt his presence.  When he was finished with his
blessing, he told me I may keep the crucifix and the medal of Padre 
Pio, and
I thanked him for all. He then asked me to please tell him of my 
with Padre Pio, which had to be translated from English to Italian by 

The fear began to lessen in my heart.  My attitude towards my sickness 
to change.  I almost forgot at times that there was some evil illness 
inside of me.  My courage and strength were amazingly strong, and my 
of humor came alive.  My six weeks of chemo and radiation was coming to 
end.  My radiologist had called me into his office to share his own 
words of
encouragement.  He stated, "I've seen patients come and go but I have 
seen someone with your demeanor, your jovial ways, your attitude, and I
can't believe how good you look.  You did not lose much weight nor did 
lose your hair, and there were no burn marks in the designated areas of
radiation throughout your treatments. With just two more treatment days 
of this very heavy-duty radiation we have been giving you (which will 
over 6,100 rads of radiation) in conjunction with your chemo, you look 
great for what you received.

We are going to beat this one! he remarked.  He told me that he usually 
to submit a rating report of his patients and that he had given me a 
(10), ten being the highest on one to ten scale, and on another report 
a scale of 1-4 he gave me a 1 with one being the highest on that scale.  
gave me a big bear hug as I departed from his office.  He and his staff 
nurses and technicians made me feel so good.  Little did they know that 
I was being administered my treatments and they all fled the room to 
the switch, I was praying to Padre Pio, to please destroy and kill 
evil cancer cells I have in my body.  I did this each and every 
and visualized their slow death and disappearance.

It was now time to go forth with more testing to evaluate how well the
treatments worked. A doctor made arrangements for me to have another 
scan and abdominal x-rays on Aug 25, 2000.  I was to follow up with 
endoscopic sonogram, at North Shore University Hospital on August 29, 
at 7:30 AM with a specialist in this field. The doctors wanted to see 
if the
tumor had shrunk enough, so that they may prepare me for surgery with 
doctor who was a specialist in stomach and esophagus cancer.  In my 
case the
surgery involved both.  I was already informed of the procedure that 
more than likely to be performed.

Later on that evening, I was asked to participate as an Honor Guard 
of the Cardinal Mercier Assembly Fourth Degree K of C, in the prayers 
hopeful glorification, that one day soon Padre Pio would become a 
This Mass was to take place on August 19, 2000.  This could not have 
come at
a more appropriate time.  It was an honor to share and pray at this 
special mass for Padre Pio, at St Thomas the Apostles Church, in 
NY.   I arrived early so that I could participate in the Rosary for 
Pio prior to the Mass.

  I met a friend, Thomas Gallagher, who is also an Honor Guardsman.  I 
him of my intentions and he joined me.  The Church was full of 
from all over.  I could not help but to feel the warmth, and 
responding through my entire being.  It was time for all of the Honor
Guardsman to get ready outside of the church in preparation for the
beginning of the mass.  We led the congregation of priests, from all 
to begin the celebration of Mass for Padre Pio.  I was so honored.  As 
made our way in to the front of the altar, I saw a large banner with a
portrait of Padre Pio on the left side of the church.  The feeling of 
and closeness came upon me.  We took our assigned post (seats).

I sat on the left side near the banner. Padre Pio seemed to be looking 
at me and me at him.  The electricity was insurmountable, piercing 
my entire body. I was praying to Padre Pio to please help me in the 
weeks and to see me through my crisis.  Tears began to well up in my 
I was hoping that none of the parishioners noticed tears rolling down 
face.  Suddenly, I felt a light tap on my left arm and looked to see if 
man seated next to me had wanted me for something, but he remained 
straight ahead.  A short while later I felt that same tap, once again.  
looked at the man seated next to me but he was in prayer.

Somehow, I got the feeling that this was Padre Pio's way of assuring me 
everything was going to be all right.  The Mass was coming to an end.  
was a very beautiful mass and it meant so much to me.  We, the Honor
Guardsman, escorted everyone out of Mass and saluted with our swords
everyone that passed between us.  I heard a very beautiful cry, "Dad, 
I looked to see where the cries where coming from among the crowd of
parishioners.  I then saw the beautiful site of my children, or shall I 
grownups.  They had come to see their Dad and the Spirit of Padre Pio 
this very special mass.  They knew how much this Mass and Padre Pio 
meant to

I hugged and kissed each and every one of them.  They had made me feel 
good.  We made our way to the souvenir stand and purchased a small 
statue of
Padre Pio, medals and other souvenirs, which they had given me.  What a
beautiful day this was turning into.  I escorted them to a Shrine of 
Pio and we all prayed to him.  I seemed to sense a smile upon his face 

 The day had arrived for my endoscopic sonogram, August 29,2000, just 
days following the visit with Padre Pio.  It was about 7:30 in the 
at North Shore University Hospital.  The nurses were preparing me and 
me to take off my shirt, shoes and to keep my pants on, and to put on 
gown.  Thank God that I was able to keep my pants on, for in my pocket 
this small 4 1/2 inch statue of Padre Pio.  I laid down upon the table 
get prepped with an IV in my arm so that the Doctor could administer
sedation through the IV tube.  One of the nurse's in the room remarked 
the beautiful cross I had around my neck chain, and said, "What a 
medal of the Pope."  I told her that it was not a picture of the Pope, 
was Padre Pio, and I have him in my pocket as well.   I reached under 
gown and removed Padre Pio to show her.  I said, "This is Padre Pio, he 
here to help me today," as I held it up for all to see.

She remarked oh how beautiful, and she left the room touched by my 
The doctor entered the room, as I was putting Padre Pio back into my 
I held on to him with a tight grasp.  I wondered if the doctor knew 
what I
was holding on to, and what he had thought as he administered the
anesthesia.  When I awoke I saw my wife crying, I thought dear God 
don't let
it be bad news.  I looked up at the doctor who had a bewildered happy 
as he blurted out the great happy news, "It is gone! Your cancer is not
there, it is gone."  I could not comprehend for the moment because I 
still a little oozy from the sedation.  A moment or two later, I asked 
doctor,  "Is it gone?  But what about my lymph nodes?"  He responded, 
are gone, they are not there!"

I jumped for joy and my wife began kissing me all over.  "It's gone!" 
responded, still somewhat bewildered although extremely happy.  I 
what he meant that the lymph nodes were gone.  I found out later that 
nodes, when irritated or attacked by cancer are very prominent or 
and when at a normal state cannot be seen.  The doctor had told me that 
his observation the cancer was no longer there, but to please get 

I followed his advice and made arrangements to go for a second opinion 
a doctor at Cornell University in New York City.  He was more than 
likely to
be the doctor to perform my operation.  I had made arrangements to pick 
copies of all my medical records so that he could review them and come 
his own conclusion.  Upon reviewing my medical records, he made this
statement, "I agree with the other doctor's in their findings that your
cancer is gone, apparently they went for the cure and got it"!  They 
given you maximum radiation and chemo; sometimes it works and sometimes 
does not.  In your case it did, and you cannot argue with success.  He
proceeded to call the doctors who were involved in my treatments, and 
congratulate them on a job well done.  Upon completion of his phone
conversation, he told me that if I had come in from the beginning and 
him, he would have treated me differently.  He would have given me less
doses of radiation and chemo treatment, and went for the treatment not 
cure, so that the tumor shrunk and then he would have operated.  He 
"You are one lucky man."  My wife and I began to cry with tears of

I know who my cure was, and who was responsible for my success!  My 
never left my side through many ordeals.  He was always there for me 
with me.  My cure is "Padre Pio"!  He has affected our lives in such a 
that has changed our lives forever.  Padre Pio, is a saintly soul who
deserves the title of a true Saint.  Padre Pio, from my family and me, 
you!  Please continue to look over my family and I, as I will always
continue to look upon you as my  "Padre."

May everyone be as touched.

Please glorify, and make,


Sincerely, yours

Anthony M. Fuina,  Massapequa, NY 11758

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