Prayer for Priests

Lord Jesus, we bow before You, to humbly demonstrate our heartfelt
thanks to You for the sacred and most beautiful gift of the Priesthood.
Help us to recognize the true value of this holy treasure, which You, in
Your boundless Love and in Your unfathomable Divine Mercy have bestowed
upon the human family. Help us to realize, that without this jewel, we
cannot fully reconcile ourselves with You, nor can we worthily partake
of the Bread of Life that You present to us at each Eucharistic Banquet.

Yes Lord, we plead with You to lift from the eyes of our souls, the
worldly veil that dims the true vision of Your blessed gift to us. Help
us to understand that without Your priests You cannot feed us!

Forgive us Lord for speaking ill of Your priests rather than pleading in
prayer for them as You so lovingly desire. Forgive us Lord for showing
any disrespect towards the great dignity of Your gift to us. Help us to
come to a fuller understanding of the holy beauty of the consecrated

Help Your priests Lord! Pour down Your blessings upon them. Give to them
the grace to unceasingly seek Your help in prayer. Strengthen their
resolve to live their lives according to Your wishes and in full
obedience to the holy dictates of the Magisterium of Your Holy Catholic
Church.  Amen.

Here are some more of the messages:

Saturday 8th July 2000 (House of Hope)

I am the Mother of the Eucharist! Be holy My little ones as you approach
the living Fruit of My Immaculate womb. Embrace the Word Incarnate.

My little ones...without My Son you are destitute...with Him you possess


Saturday 7th October 2000. (House of Hope)

(On this occasion, Our Holy Mother appeared kneeling before a large,
pulsating, and extremely bright Host.)

Behold My Beloved Son!  Behold the Light of the world!  Come My children
...let us adore!
Will you accompany Me as I the Immaculate One kneel before Him?  O how
He loves you.  How great is His desire for your attention.  Will you
accept His holy embrace?

I the Mother of the Eucharist appeal to you. Come!  Will you give to Him
your fiat?  Will you respond?

Saturday 24th February 2001 (House of Hope)

My dear children! I visit you through the Mercy of your heavenly Father.
I come to you at the behest of My beloved Son.  I am the Mother of the

Be alert My children!  As the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart draws near,
the serpent of evil has raised his head in anger and poises himself to
strike you down.  Do not be fearful for My Son is with you.

Pray much My children!  Pray before the Eucharistic Heart!

Visit your priests.  Express your sorrow in truth.  Only then can you
experience the beautiful joy of Holy Communion.

Come behind the protective shield of My Rosary.